

5 Years
Jun 28, 2014
Not sure if I should worm my flock or not. They seem to be doing ok. They all around 7months old. What would you do if it were your flock? I still a newbie:) and will corid work?
I am a newbie too but I read that worms can get into the eggs - I don't fancy that so I intend to worm mine regularly.
Worms getting into the eggs is rare, not probable but possible.

I wouldn't worm my birds unless I had physical proof that they had a worm overload.

Corid is only for coccidiosis, caused by a protozoan, and will not kill worms.

Do a search on worms and look for user name Dawg53, he's got the best practical advise on worm meds, IMO.
Would you take an antibiotic cause you might have an infection? I would not worm my birds unless they had worms. There is a lot of different opinions on this site some think that Sevin dust is baby powder! My Pet chicken has a kit that you can order and send in a sample and they will tell you the dosage etc ( if they have worms)
Would you take an antibiotic cause you might have an infection? I would not worm my birds unless they had worms. There is a lot of different opinions on this site some think that Sevin dust is baby powder! My Pet chicken has a kit that you can order and send in a sample and they will tell you the dosage etc ( if they have worms)
Ditto. I strongly believe that you should not treat for a problem unless you have evidence of infection or illness. That's what caused the problems we have in commercial sources of meat & eggs and why we can no longer consume raw eggs and why Salmonella is an issue today.

Didn't know about the sample send to My Pet Chicken. Thanks for info.
Thanks for all the input:) I call the vet and they will do a stool sample for $20 so I will take them with a sample and see what the results are. Thanks again

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