Worms? Help!

With the chicks, you want to dribble it in either side of the beak.
With your hens, simply pull down on the wattles and their mouth will open. Quickly squirt the liquid in the mouth and let go of the wattles right away so the hen can swallow the liquid on her own, if you dont, she could aspirate.
If they have tiny wattles, pull down the skin just behind the lower beak and the mouth will open. Gotta be quick.
Chicks have to wait 2 more weeks. I have no trouble getting beaks open. I’ve given pills. Thanks for the tip. I suppose it’s a small enough dose, not like a tube feeding. Thanks once again. 😁👍
Boy that was messy! Bern held each bird as I drew up the medication, pulled the wattle, and squirted the liquid into the beak. More than one tried to shake their head lose at the critical moment causing white sticky fluid to squirt down the side of their face or all over my hands and Bern’s arms. I’m fairly sure they each got their dose anyway. We’ll try it again in 10 days.
LOL. Yeah, I've had that happen to me a couple of times, got more on me than the birds.
My Jersey Giant hen is the worst, she shakes her head every time I show her the bottle of Valbazen.

It's best to go out to the coop early in the morning when it's still dark, bring a flashlight and stage everything you need.
Preload your syringe. Open up the coop and snatch a bird off the roost and dose her. Then release her in the pen. Then preload your syringe again, and snatch the next one off the roost and repeat until they are all wormed.
The ones you misfired on will need to be wormed, then all of them redosed in 10 days.

When you pull the wattles down, you have to be quick to squirt the liquid in the mouth and immediately let go of the wattles so they dont have a chance to shake their head, that's when they swallow the liquid, then you're done with that bird.
If they shake their head, hang on and they will tire. Then you can administer the wormer.

Another advantage worming birds early in the morning is that the chickens will not have eaten and will be hungry, so will the worms and they will be at their weakest. Feed them the wormer. Giving birds a wormer on an empty stomach is very effective in eliminating worms.

It would be best to wait a couple of hours before feeding your birds after worming. That should be enough time for the wormer to do its job. You may or may not see worms in feces after worming. Most of the time they are absorbed as protein in the digestive tract.
Then when you feed your birds, give them a little feed at a time, increasing the amount given as time goes by and eventually back to normal.
Remember, they will be starving after worming from withholding feed and will gorge their feed possibly causing slow or impacted crop.
I've never seen worms in any stools post-treatment, but my hen must have them really bad. She had around 6 in the first stool (the one through which I discovered she had worms), & then a couple in her stool again the next 2 mornings after treatment. (Don't know about the 3rd morning, which will be tomorrow.)

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