Worms in feces, graphic and horrible picture

Guess what, they're baaaack!!!
I gave them DE and AC vinegar this morning and by this afternoon the buggers were coming out of the wood (er, poop) work. So you are all right, it's the tapes. I've got Valbazen and the plan is to dose them tomorrow (thanks Spanks, I'll use your formula). I'll come back with an update in another day or two. Should be some happier chickens once their owner gets her act together.
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I have used the Valbazene a few months back on the reccomendation here. It was a life saver for my flock. I lost one bird to the worms and was close to losing a few more. They will devestate your birds if you are not on top of them. Two weeks before treating with the Valbazene, I used a wormer to kill large worms first. Dawg53 can tell you what. He is great with advise on these things!

Oh yea, thanks for the great advise dawg!
One note: with Valbazen, you really do not need to dose with anything else first, though it won't hurt anything to do so. Valbazen starves off worms over a several day period and will not clog their systems with dead worms. I have heard the advice about Wazine, but I've never used Wazine.
I have heard that if you put cider vinegar into your water feeder it keeps your chickens from getting worms !!!!
You dont have to add much -just a couple of tablespoons to a gallon or so of water. Its cheap to buy and use-
God knows vinegar has many uses!!!
I use cider vinegar in their water daily for its great qualities such as helping the chickens system properly absorb calcium and keeping PH in balance. However, I can assure you that cider vinegar doesnt keep your chickens from getting worms.
I use cider vinegar in their water daily for its great qualities such as helping the chickens system properly absorb calcium and keeping PH in balance. However, I can assure you that cider vinegar doesnt keep your chickens from getting worms.

Agreed. Apple cider vinegar will not prevent worms.

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