Worried about chick

To me it looks like a riboflavin deficiency. I would get some human vitamin B complex tablets and add 1/4 tablet daily to some egg or her feed. Some use liquid baby vitamins 3 drops daily. The earlier it is treated, the better the chances of recovery. Chick shoes made from tape can be used to straighten out the toes. If her legs seem to be spaced wide or more than 1 1/2 inches apart, you may also use a leg hobble to vring them closer for about 5 days. Here is a good link about splay leg and hobbles:


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The second photo does look better, but I would still use some vitamins with riboflavin—B complex, Polyvisol without Iron, or Poultry Cell tonic. NutriDrench should be avoided since it has good vitamins and minerals, but no riboflavin (vitamn B2.) Also, make sure that she is drinking and eating by putting her beak into the food and water to show her. I sprinkle a little chick crumbles around the feet on paper towel, so they will peck at it.
The second photo does look better, but I would still use some vitamins with riboflavin—B complex, Polyvisol without Iron, or Poultry Cell tonic. NutriDrench should be avoided since it has good vitamins and minerals, but no riboflavin (vitamn B2.) Also, make sure that she is drinking and eating by putting her beak into the food and water to show her. I sprinkle a little chick crumbles around the feet on paper towel, so they will peck at it.
I will definitely get some b vitamins. I know she has been drinking but I'm not sure if she has eaten anything

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