Worst thing about Ordering Baby Chicks!!!!


5 Years
Oct 23, 2014
Stone Mountain
Is Anticipation!!! I promise the worst is the waiting for them to arrive, for me it was like waiting for a baby to be born at a hospital. You would think express mail means over night but not in most cases. Once I received the tracking info I think I checked the movement at least 25 times if not more. Yes I did what most of us probably did, call the Post Office make them found out why live baby chick are sitting overnight at the Post Office in Cleveland Ohio and never get an answer, LOL. Can you say Impatient yes I am/was LOL... But any way I finally received my babies on Wednesday, hatch and ship day was Monday.

Ten little ladies yup!

The brooder ...

Getting use to the place can't you tell, what a mess already. First night on paper towel, wow they are fast to see them running fast as they do is amusing.

Tonight they will bed on pine straw

First few minutes on pine straw.
I know the feeling. Ive been waiting since monday to get my goslings and they FINALLY came yesterday. I was super excited and they are so sweet.


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