Would dog food hurt my chick??


5 Years
May 18, 2017
Keysville Virginia
I have a 5 week old white rock/australorp cross (roo i know it) that will not stay out of my older dogs food. I wet it for her because she is a senior and prefers it that way and the chick was a solo egg to hatch from incubation and i have no broody hens. So they are stuck in this living space together. I find him running around with a big soggy piece of her purina dog chow most frequently just chirping away, happy as can be. I have tried not wetting her food but he just jumps in her bowl and eats what he can b4 i grab him. Yes, happy as he can be. He hasn't showed any issues im just curious as moms are. He is all alone or i would have him caged. I feel bad for him. My dog would much rather enjoy life without him:weebut she tolerates him. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can post nutritional info if needed. Ty all in advance :hugs
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What a cute little rascal! No, the dog food isn't going to hurt your chick as long as he mostly eats his chick crumbles.

The only thing that could hurt him is if he consumed lots of dog food over several years. The high protein could cause issues in his old age.

Your dog is a big sweetie!
Cute bully. I feed around 2lbs of dog food (I think it's 21%protein 7% fat same thing I feed my bully) for every 50lbs of scratch then mix that with my pellets which is 150lbs.

I use a little extra when molting always have.
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Is that aa Pit Bull? So cute! They are such gentle dogs. When I saw this thread I actually thought of a time I met a Pit Bull who ate chickens' food and the chickens would eat the Pit Bull's good. XD
What a cute little rascal! No, the dog food isn't going to hurt your chick as long as he mostly eats his chick crumbles.

The only thing that could hurt him is if he consumed lots of dog food over several years. The high protein could cause issues in his old age.

Your dog is a big sweetie!
Ty so much <3 good to know :weehope u have a great night <3
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