Would love to add an Olive Egger to my small flock

i have one.

they haven't started laying yet but will lay the olive eggs like in my avatar.
she is from my wheaten ameraucana and my black copper hens.
PM me if you want more info.

edited to add photo
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You are correct. I have two EE that lay blue eggs and I really want a hen that lays the green/olive eggs.


dinahmoe - you have a PM.
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wvfoxhunter - I'm located in Waynesboro, GA - West Virginia would be a bit far for me to travel - but I appreciate the offer!

Just want to publicly thank dianahmoe for offering her beautiful white olive egger. We picked her (the chicken not dianahmoe) up today and while we were there fell in love with another of her beautiful chicks. Pictures will follow........ supper dishes are waiting........


I'm so happy!
Those two new chicks made me go out and buy another 10x10x6 dog kennel to enlarge my existing pen. Chicken math doubles the flock and divides the resources! hahahahaha

Maybe pictures tonight!


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