Would Someone Call Jack Frost?

70 here now in New Mexico in the mountains, but we are prepped for first freeze tonight. It was 34 this morning when I got up and another small cold front came through today. Sorry for your heat!!!
Yesterday it was in the 80's hot and humid. Today it cooled off alot and I am actually in a sweatshirt but this is the weekend I always light my first fire in the woodstove as it is usally the onset of winter with no more hot days. NOT this year! Looked like rain all day but then the sun peeked out about suppertime. I so hope we are done with the hot humid stuff! Sorry for you who are in the heat wave!!! Yuk.
It was a beautiful day here today...for summer. It was in the low 80s. That is crazy fall weather up here (north of San Francisco).

I'm not sure I want Mr. Frost to arrive (I am, after all, a Californian and a total wimp when it comes to cold), but Ms. Rain would be a welcome guest.

Sympathies to you guys dealing w/ humidity and 90+ degrees!
It's supposed to cool off here this next week. I'd like a little fall weather, before we shoot right into winter!
About 90 today, 92 tomorrow. We're supposed to get a cold front and we'll be in the mid 70s by Wednesday!!! I don't mind heat to much though...I'm southern. I just don't like this drought we've been in.
88 here to day in gool ole Alabam. Looks like we are going to have to cut grass till Nov. Last year I never wore a heavy coat. We didn't even burn a load of wood and that is what we heat our house with. I hope we have a little cold weather this year. I keep waiting for it to cool off so we can get some fall yard work done for Spring.
Hmmmmmm… I live in about the center of Pennsylvania and it has been plenty warm. But I am ok with it. I just know the winter will get here and by the end of March we will have had more cold than we wanted. I look at it this way, every warm day we get, that is one less cold day we will have. Hate that really cold stuff. This will be my first winter with the Barred Plymouth Rocks.. Hope they can handle it..

Have a great day…
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98 high today in maryland :mad:. on wensday it is supossed to rain:) and then cool down. I love cold weather so this should be great.


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