Would the hawk come back?

A hawk attacked one of my chicken and one of the roosters seems to have injured it I wanted to know if it would come back for revenge or is it too scared to come back again?
Are they free range, or do they have an enclosed run? It needs to be covered with netting, if the hawk can't get to the birds he will eventually leave.
I have hawks and eagles around here. I have had some kills in the past from hawks. Now my birds are all in nice large covered pens. I still see hawks now and then but they can't get to the birds. I have had owls kill some birds too. Usually around dusk and dawn but now they can't get to the birds either. Good luck...
I have hawks and eagles around here. I have had some kills in the past from hawks. Now my birds are all in nice large covered pens. I still see hawks now and then but they can't get to the birds. I have had owls kill some birds too. Usually around dusk and dawn but now they can't get to the birds either. Good luck...
Same here. They leave and disappear if you keep your birds covered.
If you do free range make sure you have plenty of hiding places for your chickens. Anything they can get under will get them out of the line of sight of an arial predator and make it harder for them to be attacked. It may come back and try again.

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