Would this idea work for heat for transporting chicks?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 21, 2010
I was wondering if those self heating -heating pads wrapped in a towel would work to keep the day olds warm on their trip home from the PO. What do you think?
I had a few litters of puppies during winter months that were delivered at the vet's office and I used a large cardboard box and placed two 1/2 gallon jugs of HOT, HOT water in bottom on their sides, covered that with a piece of cardboard and a folded bath towel. Pups all rode home nice and toasty. Could possibly work for transporting chicks. I am getting my chicks late March and plan to take my heated box with me to the post office.
i bought from walmart a heater-ice defroster in auto dept. plugs into lighter in vechile..clips onto container. originally sold for $20+ i picked up sale for under $10..works really good.....can also take a socking & pour uncooked rice in it..tie shut pop into microwave ..few minutes until HOT..will hold heat for a while..or even bake potatoes will hold heat. i lost a box of chicks i had just bought by putting box on floor of truck under heat blowin..think they got too hot & all died.felt terrible.
soap&eggs :

i bought from walmart a heater-ice defroster in auto dept. plugs into lighter in vechile..clips onto container. originally sold for $20+ i picked up sale for under $10..works really good.....can also take a socking & pour uncooked rice in it..tie shut pop into microwave ..few minutes until HOT..will hold heat for a while..or even bake potatoes will hold heat. i lost a box of chicks i had just bought by putting box on floor of truck under heat blowin..think they got too hot & all died.felt terrible.

Just a thought on what may have killed your chicks : carbon monoxide. Chicks would have handled 100 degrees with no problem. But even a tiny exhaust leak into the truck cab would kill tiny chicks quickly. You should have a mechanic test for that as it could kill you too.​
I once raised a singleton puppy surrounded by rice socks. The rice socks were his littermates
His momma was sick and wouldn't stay in the whelping box with him, so I improvised with substitute littermates.
Just a thought on what may have killed your chicks : carbon monoxide. Chicks would have handled 100 degrees with no problem. But even a tiny exhaust leak into the truck cab would kill tiny chicks quickly. You should have a mechanic test for that as it could kill you too.

thanks for the mechanical advice..actually have had new exhaust put on this past yr..now sounds like i have none on at all..loud..very very loud..new gas lines and new tank. 4 new tires.& some odds & ends.with repairs..is now worth more in parts then what i paid for it umteen yrs ago..but rust & holes gives me a bit of class coming into town !!!!........
I once purchased chicks for another BYC along with my own chicks. When they were three days old, we put them in a shoebox with a couple of "Hot Hands" and traveled the hour to deliver them to her. They did absolutely fine.
I brought my chicks home on a hot water bottle ( like the kind you take to bed to keep your feet warm) covered with a towel, in a box of course:D
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