Would you eat this?

It says 5 days on the medication.

The question I keep asking but cant get an response to is, Does an illness, viral of bacterial affect the quality of the meat and can anything be transfered to humans?

I would not eat it unless it was of the meds for at least 5 days, my question above is more of the concern.

And thans to all who have responed so far, keep them comming.
Yes it can effect the meat and food safety but to know if it will you need an exact diagnosis. Best practice is to wait till the bird is healthy and after the withdrawal time for all the medications used.

If in doubt check with your Agriculture Extension Office.
To me it looks as though she has been severely pecked by the other birds. Once the antibotics have worked their way out of her system she should be fine to eat.
Thanks for all who have replied and to those who reply in the future. I stopped med this morning. The The outer edges of the scabs are starting to come off. It is normal looking skin under there. Its still going to be a game time decision.
The truth? I find myself driving behind commercial poultry trucks quite often, filled with turkeys that make that one look like a show animal!

They are scantily feathered, scabby and sickly looking. You can find them in your local grocery store......
It looks like it could be the beginning of black head--but you stated the waste was good, in black head it will be yellow and foamy and your turkey will be listless and have ruffled feathers etc and look sick. It is a protozoan infection that turkeys who live with chickens are prone to get it. Treatment is with Emetryl or a product with Diametridiazole. If you have an infection it is extremely contagious and you will need to contain the spread,--
This is weird...... I get home from work and my wife says the bbw ( who you can kind of see in the background) who is another pen, was up against the wire cooing and making weird noises at the "sick BBB " this afternoon.
I went out there to feed an water them and the bbw is still doing it. Now though " she " is struting all ruffled up, fan up, and cooing ( best way to describe) with the normal yips and what not. It got me wondering if "she was a tom??... I dont thinks so......she has been laying down in the submiive position when I enter the pen(the way she would do for a tom the last week or so.....thats why dont think so.
Any way, long story short my daughter and I were just out there shutting everything up and we notice that she is still in the same spot making the same nosies. The bbb is makeing them back and is kinda of ruffled up ad well. The bbw is now attacing the wire fence trying to get at the " sick" bbb.Someone mentioned early in the post about her head loking like she was just getting pecked like crazy........that might be the case.
The behavior still seems wierd to me...anyone shed light?

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