Would You Keep 2 Mean Hens?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 16, 2009
I have to chocin bantam mixes. They were my first two chickens. I have since added a buff orp., a buckeye, and 4 RiR.
The two black chochins are so mean to the others. They are the only two laying right now. They are so mean. Even to the buff who is so much bigger than them.
I dont really like seeing them bully the others.
Would you find them a home or keep them? I really dont like them either. They arent aggressive towards me, but it just bothers me that they are so mean to the others. And the others are so sweet....
I keep a mean hen- Dinner. She is a brute to all the other hens I have. I even re-homed one hen (one of my best layers) who was getting beaten up very badly by this bird. Boy, was that a mistake! Now, Dinner has been broody all spring and summer, has barely laid any eggs all year, and is starting to break the other hens' eggs. We are currently evaluating her chances of staying with us, and it ain't looking good for her. She is probably going to become... dinner.

The reason she is named Dinner is because she was always the most aggressive of our hens and when we first got them almost 2 years ago I told my husband if she gave me a moment's grief she was dinner. Wish I'd followed through on that promise before I re-homed Princess.

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