Would you rather...?


9 Years
Sep 6, 2010
Has anyone ever played would you rather? It's AWESOME! Example: I say "Would you rather have a bucket on your foot for a year, or bottles on your fingers for a month?" and then you make up another! I'll start:

Would you rather sing in front of a million people, or dance in front of a million people?
Neon pink. I hate pink, but I know i'd look terrible with green!

Would you rather be stranded on a deserted island for a year with no company, or the most annoying person you know?
Annoying person. I'd want SOME company! And what if you were in trouble?

The hair question you asked me before.
By myself, by all means.

Would you rather sit in a bathtub full of live leeches, or a bathtub full of live ticks?
That's not the question she asked. She asked: Would you rather: Dye your hair neon green or hot pink?
That's not the question she asked. She asked: Would you rather: Dye your hair neon green or hot pink?

Well, gee, then, pink. It'll look less like someone vomited in my hair.

Back to my leech / tick question.
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