Would you rather

HAHA lightning.

WYR play golf in a lightning storm or get shot in the face with a paintball gun really close with no protection.
male Platipi have a spur like thing that will secrete venome

i would run to the mailbox in my underwear! i HATE getting my feet dirty!

WYR: eat barnacle flavored oreos or eat snail pancakes?
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Nuts, I love Almonds

Um, if I had to choose of the engineering kind, I would probably still go with nuts.

Would you rather accidentally spill your drink on yourself or on a stranger?
ember.opal :

Nuts, I love Almonds

Um, if I had to choose of the engineering kind, I would probably still go with nuts.

Would you rather accidentally spill your drink on yourself or on a stranger?

Would so rather spill on a stranger (been there done that haha)​

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