Would you rather......


8 Years
Feb 1, 2011
And yet another game!!!

This is how you play, it's rather simple:

Lv: Would you rather 1. go skiing in shorts or 2. go shopping in pajamas

Crestedgirl: 2

Would you rather 1. play with squirrels or 2. buy a goldfish

PolishSilkies45: 1

Would you rather 1. eat fried zucchini or 2. dress like Pippy Longstockings.

so on and so forth! Have fun!!

Would you rather eat 20 bananas at once, or only wear a nightgown for a week?
20 bananas at once! Clothes get dirty when you don't wash them!
Would you rather get electrocuted by a laser or put a filthy sock in your mouth?
Well, if it was my sock....I know where I walk (hopefully
Would you rather where a fake mustache to a water park or tell everyone at Walmart that you're looking for your magic unicorn?
Tell everyone at Walmart that I'm looking for the unicorn... I'd look creepy with a mustache.

Would you rather watch an entire episode of Family guy in front of your parents (its worse than it sounds...) or drive a thunderbird into a telephone pole going 160 kilometers an hour?
Definitely thunderbird, I'd get grounded for watching that! Plus, I hate that show. Even though I've never seen it, and never will!

Would you rather go to pizza hut saying that you want a cheese burger with fries or eat burger king at mcdonalds
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Eat Burger King at McDonalds... even though that both things aren't good for you...
Would you rather go onto a virus site or listen to "Hey Apple" non-stop all morning?
Haha I know....I've never had Burger King before...or a kid's meal!! I live with a dietitian

Um, I've never heard of "Hey Apple" before, but if my computer was secured with that security thingy......

Would you rather get continuous spam emails or listen to my annoying cousins sing the alphabet over, and over, and over again
This is Hey Apple (only its hey pear)
The alphabet... I HATE spam with a passion!
WYR draw graffiti or drive a car into a tree?

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