Wounded guinea


9 Years
Oct 27, 2010
Cement, OK
This is a new to me guinea. Picked her up yesterday. used the net to catch her once I got her in the cage the others were stepping on her as she stayed low to the ground. Today she was limping. Tonight after everyone was on the roost I went in & looked closer. Not sure if t is broke or just wounded. Dh thinks it looks like a growth, I think it is swollen. Who knows! I received these guineas because predators were getting them. Not sure if something had gotten her & the previous owner didnt know. I have no idea how old the wound is. We washed it, put tee tree oil & now she is in a cage in my bathroom


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I wouldn't use any more tea tree oil. It is toxic to birds.

I'm a believer in Blu-Kote. I have had unbelievable injuries heal just fine after spraying them with it.
Never herd of blu-kote. I will look into it. With the tee tree oil I mix it with a carrier oil & that does dilute it. I don't believe 3 or 4 drops of the oil is enough to have damaging effects. I know many that use lots of essential oils with their animals & I also know those that don't. A the moment I felt the oil was the strongest thing I had on hand to disinfect the area. I tried to use wound spray but dh said no. Thi k it is because he was holding her & she had not yet put up a fight. He was worried the spray might make her a tad bit upset!
Oh & she is for sure a girl. She has been screaming buck wheat at me since she heard me up & moving around. The leg really doesn't appear to be bothering her. I know their is a bird lady about 45 min from here. Going to see if she will take a look at her. Might be an avian vet in okc??
Looks like an abscess that was either pecked open or opened on it's own. Were you able to express any kind of pus or fluid from it when you cleaned it? Some Guineas do develop mystery growths (that are not abscesses), and depending on the location of the growth they can live with them their entire lives without any issues... but if pecked at by the bird or other birds that can lead to infection and even cannibalism. Once there is a scab or blood they usually don't leave them alone. So keeping her separated until it's pretty well healed is a good idea.

I agree with using the Blu-Kote, the purple color will disguise the wound/scab while helping it heal. You can find Blu-Kote at most feed or farms stores that carry equine and other animal meds for wounds.
No puss was just very dirty. She didnt mind as we washed it out. Looked like there might have been a foreign object in it. Went to get tweezers & such by the time I got back dh said wasn't anything. Dh is going to look for the blu-kote in town. I am thinking I might have used that on my dog before so we can get it locally without a problem.

She has moved in her box a few times. I have a mirror next to the cage. After she moves she sings buckwheat waiting for someone to answer. Dh wanted to bring her mate in to keep her company but I objected.

If it wasnt split open I honestly would have been certain it was a growth, but the way it was split I was scared it was a broken bone sticking through & everything had swelled. None of the other birds have bothered her. But I don't want her outside getting the wound full of dirt. We do have a hospital pen outside. But I think she needs to keep the leg as clean as possible.
It has hard spots & soft. I will see any other details I can add after we Dr her again tonight. I went in to look at it closer & she is pretty spooked right now. She is eating & drinking, but she wants to be left alone.
It has hard spots & soft. I will see any other details I can add after we Dr her again tonight. I went in to look at it closer & she is pretty spooked right now. She is eating & drinking, but she wants to be left alone.

I had a guinea that developed a growth at the base of her neck and it grew till it got so big she no longer could move her neck and i had to put her down, the growth was hard as a rock and i could not cut it with my knife,it looked like bone grown all together.
I have a photo but it is pretty graphic.
Her is what it looked like before i tried to cut it open after i culled her


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