Wow! What a great site!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 19, 2012
Mariposa, California
HI Everyone, I'm a chicken lover from the Sierra Nevada Foothills in California.

I have 10 hens, 2 roosters---1 is a banty named Kong, and 4 pullet babies hatched out by 2 hens this spring. I have a huge coop for my gang inside my goat pen which has 8ft high fencing. I let goats and chickens free range in the day and they join my horses cruising around the pasture eating up insects, foraging and of course, waiting for my leftovers from last night's dinner!

I also have a Pea fowl family. The Moochies, so named because they love to "mooch" the moment I set foot out of the house to start on chores. Baby Moochie was born this spring to her proud parents and is already bigger than her mom and so beautiful. I also have a runner duck and 2 muskovies. A menagerie.

They all love head lettuce and when its on sale, I get a case. I also give my girls frozen peas, watermelon is a big favorite although fresh corn on the cob sends them into dances of joy.

It's great to be a part of this site. It's fabulous. thank you to those who started it. I look forward to investigating each section. All the best, Ruth
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