Writing a book - I need Pictures and Stories!


6 Years
Mar 26, 2013
Pacific, MO
I am writing a short book, and need some pictures/stories on these breeds: americauna, barred rocks, black austrolorps, black star buff orpingtons, red star, road island red, white leghorn, white rock, wyanndotes. sorry if is spelled any of these wrong. included with your picture is your name/farm name and I will give you credit in the book. also, if you would like I could email you a finished copy, when I am done. Thanks!
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Hi ChickenPeep, it is a non-fiction book for beginners raising their first small flock.
Thanks for offering your help!
I need (experienced) chickens owners sharing their tips and tricks on incubating, raising chickens, showing, raising meat birds, butchering, and brooding chicks. Thank you everyone who participates!

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