Writing a story!


8 Years
Jun 15, 2011
Hey everyone! I am planning on writing a story for the BYC peeps! I was wondering where you thought that I should put it. Here or in Pictures and Stories of my Chickens.

On my chickens.

Don't know yet - Just gonna go with the flow

On your chickens? What do you mean my that? Will it be anything like my story? I put a disclaimer on it.
On my chickens.

Don't know yet - Just gonna go with the flow

On your chickens? What do you mean my that? Will it be anything like my story? I put a disclaimer on it.

No - it won't be like your story. I'll reveiw your story to make sure I don't copy it.

It is going to be based on my chickens. You see, I got new chickens and I am writing it in their words. Her sister has bumble foot and is going through "surgery". I thought that I would write a story in their eyes. I am writing on how they are feeling because they are new. The other chickens were being mean to them. I also am adding some fiction to it.
On your chickens? What do you mean my that? Will it be anything like my story? I put a disclaimer on it.

No - it won't be like your story. I'll reveiw your story to make sure I don't copy it.

It is going to be based on my chickens. You see, I got new chickens and I am writing it in their words. Her sister has bumble foot and is going through "surgery". I thought that I would write a story in their eyes. I am writing on how they are feeling because they are new. The other chickens were being mean to them. I also am adding some fiction to it.

Sounds alot like mine.
All I was planning on doing is writing a true story on MY chickens. I was just going to write on how they feel. So technicly, it would NOT be copying yours...

But I don't wanna start a fight or anything so I'll just not write it.

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