Wrong color egg


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 2, 2007
We bought some EEs from the feed store. They were advertiesd as Araucanas but I know that they are more correctly called Easter Eggers.
Anyway, they are 22 weeks old now and should be laying or laying soon. We have gotten two pullet sized eggs recently but they are brown like my Buff Orpingtons and Barred Rocks lay. I was expecting eggs at least a little different color. Are these eggs coming from my EEs? Or is it possible that my hens that should have been laying a year now are laying pullet sized eggs now? (we also get a couple large/extra large eggs a day)
Yep, sorry to tell you, but KellyHM's right; I have 6 EEs that were sold as "Ameraucanas" - 4 of them lay brown eggs, 2 lay green. But, they're ALL delicious!
I have an EE that started laying brown, then turned to blue, now they're green. We didn't even realize we had an EE until she started laying colored eggs. Maybe they'll change colors in time - like mine did.

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