Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Yes your correct- she can't eat on her own. She has no coordination. She lifts herself Straight Up which makes her head look like its on her back ( hope that makes sense) she stands TOO high and when she TRIES to reach the bowl she stumbles. She doesn't fall but her head is then too high and the bowl hits her chest. She doesn't know to lean DOWN its quiet strange to watch really. Even when I hold her to eat I am keeping her balanced. If I don't HOLD her she again stumbles sideways.. This is why I think is neurological as is nearly like her brain isn't sending the right signals. She also walks strange lol- when she does walk FORWARD which she CAN do, she kinda lifts her legs really high with each step. Again her crop puffed out and her head kinda resting on her back. When she standsvSTILL she will thrust her chest ( crop) down and then her head does come forward. She'll do this over and over. But any food or excitement she's straight up again standing like a human- TALL her tail hits the ground she stands soo tall. Can you understand what I'm saying?
Ill take a pic of her standing like this.
I also noticed last night after her feed that when her crop is full it kinda gets in the way of her beak, so she holds her head to the side. When she tries to bring her head around front her beak is touching the full crop and she nearly needs to lift it over the front chest ( crop)

My poor baby- wish I knew what was Wrong with her :(
does this look like wry neck?
Send me a Video if you can, WHY ARE ALL THESE PARTRIDGES HAVING ISSUES. grrr.. Have anyone else noticed? So far it's been the partridges. HUMMMM.

oK give me more infor, does she walk backwards, does she tuck her head between her legs at any moment, does she loose balance, can she eat, can she straighten out her head but when she does she kind of moves it in circles. or does she just lay her head on her back like that all the time?
Send me a Video if you can, WHY ARE ALL THESE PARTRIDGES HAVING ISSUES.  grrr..  Have anyone else noticed?  So far it's been the partridges.  HUMMMM.

oK give me more infor, does she walk backwards, does she tuck her head between her legs at any moment, does she loose balance, can she eat, can she straighten out her head but when she does she kind of moves it in circles.  or does she just lay her head on her back like that all the time?
she walks backwards sometimes just keeps her head tilted to the left she also isn't walking around a lot
OK so today I went to a farm to buy some chicks and there was one with wry neck. It's about 3 weeks old. The claims it hatched this way. I don't know if that could be true, but I am assuming this chick has been like this for weeks. So my question is, if it was Marek's causing this, wouldn't the chick be dead by now and others around it infected? I am currently keeping him quarantined from the other two I bought, just in case (and away from my hens as well).
OK so today I went to a farm to buy some chicks and there was one with wry neck. It's about 3 weeks old. The claims it hatched this way. I don't know if that could be true, but I am assuming this chick has been like this for weeks. So my question is, if it was Marek's causing this, wouldn't the chick be dead by now and others around it infected? I am currently keeping him quarantined from the other two I bought, just in case (and away from my hens as well).
First before we assume it's Marek's give me his symptom, what exactly is it doing? Is the neck between his legs, is he walking backwards, it is showing signs of dizziness. give the symptoms and a pic of what it looks like and what it's doing then we can proceed. if Marek's its not necessary going to die right away. You see the tumors inside have to grow, it could be months before death or it could be Instantly, depends on a number of factors... They could even recover putting the disease in sleep mode sort of speaking and live forever..

But before we assume its a disease, lets here about the problems its having, will try somethings if it doesn't seem better or getting better then we can exclude what it is one by one..

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