Wry Neck, Respiratory Issues with Pics, Treatment, VET & STATE TESTING

Can you please check in daily if you can?

It is VERY important that he eats and drinks and if there are ANY respiratory issues, he MUST be treated IMMEDIATELY or else I'm not sure what the outcome will be. If you need to PM me, PLEASE feel free.

I hope he gets to feeling better.
Hay hows it going?

Its me Anna, the one with the swollen face Royal Palm turkey.
I came across you post about your Bourbon Red I have 4 and 3 Royal Palms, and hopefully it remains that way.

I'm still in a panic over our Ms. Rain that is her new name. Well, the first day after her shot of Azimycin her little swollen face went down. But, I had to go back to the vet 6 days later because Rain's face has swollen up again. But during this time the vet gave me Amoxicillin solution to give her 1.1/5 3x a day, she doesn't look any better.

Anyway, I went back and the vet gave me 4 injections of Azimycin to give her she has 2 left, and shes still sick. I've spent almost $200.00 on this sweet thing, and don't know if I can afford any more, I have others to care for (that sounds horrible).

I want to cry, and I feel like such a failure. Rain wants to eat but misses the mark when she pecks at it its almost as if shes blind. I've brought her in thinking she would feel better in the cool, and I could watch over her closely but she hates it. Rain calls to the others and paces back and forth, and her little face......... I wipe the junk off with a warm wash cloth, I hate this. I can't explain to you the way I have grown to love Creator's little creatures, I have this insatiable love for them, and incredible hurt for them when I can't make it better. I feel so lost......
Hello! Recently my male turkey has also developed wry neck. I found this thread in desperately trying to do some research on it.
I am really worried about my poor turkey. He can barely hold his head up and just sits with his head laid on the ground.
I read your first post on treatment and I have been trying my best to give him water with some vitamins, a bit of gatorade and such and I am going to be buying Tylan 50 as well in hopes that this can help him.
When I try to feed him or give him water he drinks a tiny bit but then turns away and tries to stand up. Me trying to feed him/give him water really stresses him out and I don't know what to do in order to get him to eat. I don't want to hurt him and I fear that trying to hand feed him more can hurt him since he can barely lift his neck unless he stands. I don't want to hold it up or something in fear of hurting him and upsetting him further. The last thing I want to to is stress my poor turkey out but I'm scared that he just isn't eating and drinking. I checked the area he was hanging in out in and it seems that his stool is solid and not watery but still. There are also no avian vets near by. The nearest one is 45minutes to an hour away!
Your post really helped me out and gave me hope. I was so distraught and heartbroken over the condition of my turkey and was convinced he was dying and we'd have to put him down. Thankfully I found your thread, you've given me hope.
Do you have any advice on some things I could do to help him drink/eat that wouldn't hurt him or upset him? It seems like every time I try to get near he becomes extremely distraught.

Edit: He also does not have a lot of the symptoms your turkey has. His breathing is stressed but it doesn't sound like his chest is wrattling, his eyes are not swollen and there is no crust or anything like that.
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Hello! Recently my male turkey has also developed wry neck. I found this thread in desperately trying to do some research on it.
I am really worried about my poor turkey.  He can barely hold his head up and just sits with his head laid on the ground.
I read your first post on treatment and I have been trying my best to give him water with some vitamins, a bit of gatorade and such and I am going to be buying Tylan 50 as well in hopes that this can help him.
When I try to feed him or give him water he drinks a tiny bit but then turns away and tries to stand up. Me trying to feed him/give him water really stresses him out and I don't know what to do in order to get him to eat. I don't want to hurt him and I fear that trying to hand feed him more can hurt him since he can barely lift his neck unless he stands. I don't want to hold it up or something in fear of hurting him and upsetting him further. The last thing I want to to is stress my poor turkey out but I'm scared that he just isn't eating and drinking. I checked the area he was hanging in out in and it seems that his stool is solid and not watery but still. There are also no avian vets near by. The nearest one is 45minutes to an hour away! 
Your post really helped me out and gave me hope. I was so distraught and heartbroken over the condition of my turkey and was convinced he was dying and we'd have to put him down. Thankfully I found your thread, you've given me hope.
Do you have any advice on some things I could do to help him drink/eat that wouldn't hurt him or upset him? It seems like every time I try to get near he becomes extremely distraught. :(

Edit: He also does not have a lot of the symptoms your turkey has. His breathing is stressed but it doesn't sound like his chest is wrattling, his eyes are not swollen and there is no crust or anything like that. 

Please read my thread. I experienced the same thing with my Tom. Post #8 in the first link explains what I did. He has had about 3 bouts of wry neck and was able to recover twice. The last time his neck didn't straighten back up. So, he has been living with wry neck for about 1 1/2 years now with no problems. He eats and drinks on his own with no problem. And he is not in any pain. IF you have any questions please let me know and I will try to help you through this.

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This is very good information. None of my turkeys are sick but I am dreading the day that it may happen. Im so glad we have a place to come to talk, ask questions, give good info and also receive great advice to help us with our flocks. If any of my turkeys ever get respiratory infections or wry neck I now know to come look here.
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This is very good information. None of my turkeys are sick but I am dreading the day that it may happen. Im so glad we have a place to come to talk, ask questions, give good info and also receive great advice to help us with our flocks. If any of my turkeys ever get respiratory infections or wry neck I now know to come look here.

Thank you. I'm glad that this information is available for those that need it. If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to post or send me a PM. I will do anything I can to save a turkey or any other animal. ;)
Please read my thread. I experienced the same thing with my Tom. Post #8 in the first link explains what I did. He has had about 3 bouts of wry neck and was able to recover twice. The last time his neck didn't straighten back up. So, he has been living with wry neck for about 1 1/2 years now with no problems. He eats and drinks on his own with no problem. And he is not in any pain. IF you have any questions please let me know and I will try to help you through this.
I did. I'm glad that yours was able to recover! I've fully read your first post all about how you treated him, what the vet said and so on.
I'm trying to follow in your foot steps by getting some Tylan 50 and doing the recommended dose you gave him with that as well as putting some vitamins and such in his water.
My problem is though that my turkey won't let me get too close to him without becoming really stressed and resisting being fed! He gets up and clumsily walks around (seems like he's in pain when he does this). I don't know how to encourage him to eat/drink. I might just wind up having to squirt the medicine directly into his mouth as you did. I'm still worried about getting him to eat, though.
Please read my thread. I experienced the same thing with my Tom. Post #8 in the first link explains what I did. He has had about 3 bouts of wry neck and was able to recover twice. The last time his neck didn't straighten back up. So, he has been living with wry neck for about 1 1/2 years now with no problems. He eats and drinks on his own with no problem. And he is not in any pain. IF you have any questions please let me know and I will try to help you through this.

I did. I'm glad that yours was able to recover! I've fully read your first post all about how you treated him, what the vet said and so on.
I'm trying to follow in your foot steps by getting some Tylan 50 and doing the recommended dose you gave him with that as well as putting some vitamins and such in his water. 
My problem is though that my turkey won't let me get too close to him without becoming really stressed and resisting being fed! He gets up and clumsily walks around (seems like he's in pain when he does this). I don't know how to encourage him to eat/drink. I might just wind up having to squirt the medicine directly into his mouth as you did.  I'm still worried about getting him to eat, though. 

You will be ok. If he doesn't eat or drink, he will die. So you will have to decide. I agree with you in that you will have to squirt the meds directly into his mouth. There is a way that you can position him (you may need to get a 2nd person) where he can't move but at the same time, you are not hurting him in that position. I always positioned my turkey between my legs and I got behind him (seated in a chair). Once I had him in a stable position and he couldn't move (my legs and feet were securing him), I gently opened his mouth and slowly drizzled the meds inside. Don't shoot the meds in. Just gentle place the syringe in the corner of his beak and slowly press down and let the meds trickle in his mouth. It was very easy for me to. Try that and let me know how that works.
Well, good news. His wry neck seems to be straightening out a little, but it goes back to the side when we stay around him too long. He's still weak and such but we were able to give him some medicine (dribbled it into his beak like you said) and we got him to drink some water before he started trying to get away. It took two people, but we did it. Hopefully we can figure out a way to get him to eat a little bit. He was sitting very close to the feeder so I'm hoping that he's been attempting to eat. Tomorrow I am going to try to put a little cocktail of vitamins and such into his water in hopes that it'll help him out and try to get him to drink it after we give him the medicine. If anything, he looks a little better than he did yesterday. I'm glad to see that his neck is (slowly but surely) going back to normal. His breathing also wasn't as stressed today as it was yesterday. One of the keys to doing this it seems is to get in there, give him the medicine, try to prompt him to drink/eat and then leave him be. The longer we're there the more stressed out he gets and his breathing starts to not sound so well.
I'm really hoping my poor turkey will be okay.. He's very stubborn and tough- Even now that he's sick, so it gives me a bit more hope to see that he's still *sort of* like his old self. The female turkey we have with him isn't showing any signs of wry neck and is as healthy as ever, although she's distraught over him being sick and won't stray too far from where he's resting (although keeps a distance as well).
I'm hoping tomorrow I'll see some sort of improvement in him, even if it's a small one. Do you have any recommendations as to what we should try to feed him and how? I'm thinking we should feed him smaller things so it's not a stress to eat, but I'm worried about feeding him soft foods like mashed potatoes because it might get stuck in his throat or something.
You will be ok. If he doesn't eat or drink, he will die. So you will have to decide. I agree with you in that you will have to squirt the meds directly into his mouth. There is a way that you can position him (you may need to get a 2nd person) where he can't move but at the same time, you are not hurting him in that position. I always positioned my turkey between my legs and I got behind him (seated in a chair). Once I had him in a stable position and he couldn't move (my legs and feet were securing him), I gently opened his mouth and slowly drizzled the meds inside. Don't shoot the meds in. Just gentle place the syringe in the corner of his beak and slowly press down and let the meds trickle in his mouth. It was very easy for me to. Try that and let me know how that works.
Whoops! Forgot to make my other post a quote response to yours.

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