WTB 16 week or older Buff Orpingtons in Knoxville TN

We have some available in NE AL approx 8-12 wks old if you are interested.Our website is www.blackcreekpoultry.com if you would like to see the parent birds. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance.
I just caught the word Knoxville and was excited to find the most local person that I have found yet on BYC. So HI! I don't keep orps. Sorry for that. lol. You know, there is a chicken trade the first and third saturday every month off of exit 60 (Sweetwater). You may find some there. It is in between Sweetwater and Madisonville... within a mile of passing The Lost Sea.

I'll be there with a brown BYC "my pet makes me breakfast" shirt. HOLLA!
thx for the replies guys, I think I have found some, if it falls through I will ive you a yell.

Nut, I am not sure if I will be down on the 6th or not, but I plan on frequenting the swap...

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