Sep 25, 2008 #1 kandyg_99 Crowing 13 Years Sep 24, 2008 758 390 321 Colorado Anyone have eggs for sale in Colorado???
Sep 25, 2008 #2 DuckLady Administrator BYC Staff Premium Feather Member 18 Years Jan 11, 2007 38,291 27,558 1,341 NE Washington State What kind of eggs? This forum deals with everything poultry that is non chicken. And Welcome to BYC!
Sep 25, 2008 Thread starter #3 kandyg_99 Crowing 13 Years Sep 24, 2008 758 390 321 Colorado I am interested in runner duck eggs....Other colors, Besides fawn and white I already have those.Thanks...
I am interested in runner duck eggs....Other colors, Besides fawn and white I already have those.Thanks...
Sep 26, 2008 #4 DuckyBoys Songster 11 Years Apr 2, 2008 1,465 8 171 Colorado I don' t have any eggs right now - but I have some pretty nice runners from Holderreads that should be laying soon. (Blue, black, white) Pm me with your e-mail and I'll keep you updated.
I don' t have any eggs right now - but I have some pretty nice runners from Holderreads that should be laying soon. (Blue, black, white) Pm me with your e-mail and I'll keep you updated.