WTB eggs!


Show Me Feathers Poultry CO
11 Years
May 4, 2008
okay... so I'm really bad... I made another banty hen broody!! I have been looking at SHOWGIRLS! and I cannot step back now! I want showgirls!

I also am looking for Hamburg and Black,Blue,Splash Orpington eggs.
Darn those broodies! I have two setting now and another one I think is catching the broody bug too! It is cute to watch them be so protective of their little nest though! LOL

I wanted to let you know that I will have Silver Spangled Hamburg eggs for sale in the spring if you're interested!

Good luck if your hunt for showgirls!
Aww No one has any BBS orpingtons or Hamburgs or showgirl eggs ?? I'd even love to have buff or blue, black or splash silkies I'd also take standard cochins!

I'm SOO sorry about your orps!! I'd die if anything happen to my little buff orp boys and girls...

If only your hamburgs were laying now i'd be all over them!!
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