WTB in Kentucy

I don't have one, but check out the Ky People thread (under -- where am I where are you?)

We have a lot of chicken traders there, Bluedog might have one, or Dukedawg, maybe. If not, maybe someone close to you knows where to get one.


also try Ky Traders....


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I may have one, he is just a tiny baby now, not even sure he is a ROO. When I am for sure, and if you haven't found a good one, let me know. He is still in my basement brooder, never hopefully ,exposed to anything, and from a BYC member named BayHorseBonne. I hatched him May 25th or so. You can keep in touch. He should be a good bird. I'll keep him if he's a she. the egg he was from was very large and very dark for a CC. She has a website if you want to check out her birds. I'd be extremely careful getting any birds that are older, biosecurity is HUGE. I'm near Lexington. Best of luck, HenZ

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