WTB Nene Goose eggs (Or Geese)


In the Brooder
Jan 5, 2018
Hello everyone,

I just found out from someone here in Maui, that people on the Mainland have Nene as pets. I read about a few people on the forums that have some. Can someone point me in the right direction? I know that now is the nesting season and my best chance to buy some.

I would also like to buy feathers if anyone knows where I can get some that would also be great.

Thank you!
I talked to a friend of mine, and he said that eggs would be our best bet. If anyone on the forums has eggs or knows someone, then I would be happy to purchase from them. I will be leaving Hawaii to return to the Mainland tomorrow, so this will be my last chance to purchase here. Shipping works fine for me. I can also drive to most places on the mainland to pick up eggs if that is preferred.
I am talking with a guy now, who has a list for yearlings, I will let you know how it goes. I would really rather have eggs though.
Just be careful. They are protected here in Hawaii, so you'll need to get a permit to keep them. Even though they are coming from a reputable dealer on the mainland(where they aren't protected), does not mean it's cool to raise them here. I would check with the HSDOA, just in case. Wouldn't want word to get out from your neighborhood that you're keeping them. Last year, a guy on the big island had a pair land in their yard. They ended up staying and nesting, and the babies became their pets. Feds came in and took them away. Not cool, considering those birds would have no way to survive in the wild. They were being given their food, water, and shelter all their lives. I want a pair so badly myself, but im on my last threads with the HSDOA. I brought in fertile eggs without a permit 2x, and nearly got my entire flock taken away. Thankfully, the person I got them from was able to provide a NPIP Certificate on demand for them. One more act, and it's a $2,000.00 fine and possible jail time...eek!

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