WTB show quality silkiie bearded white


I'm not all fluff
12 Years
May 5, 2007
central maine
my son recently lost his show bird due to a freak accident of no fault of his own. I am looking to find a replacement. must be show quality, bearded, either sex but if male, must be non aggressive. willing to have bird shipped in but the closer to maine the better. willing to pay reasonable price.
2nd choice is hatching eggs.
sorry to hear about his bird.
I just put some eggs up for auction. I don't have any adult whites for sale right now. surely somebody on here can help you
I will look at what I have. Unfortunately it will be a male. None of my white boys are aggressive.

This boy? hatched mid Summer. He's got awesome foot feathers, good toe separation, dark eyes, small dark comb. The one thing I'm not sure about, he has not developed blue ears yet. $15.00 plus shipping.
robin, he's beautiful.
there is a show in NH next weekend. a wonderful person here on BYC has offered to take a look for me so if nothing there, he is a definate consideration.

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