wyandotte question


In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2016
Wanted to ask about the dark line on the face
Is it possible for a wyandotte to have it?

Thanks a lot
Most Wyandotte chicks do have the lines across their faces. Especially silver and gold laced.
It's amazing how much color changes from chick down to juvenile feathers to adult plumage. That line will be gone here shortly as she matures.
That was a newbie question... Learning more every day. Thank you all very much
donrae, you think its a girl?
Thats a pic of my new wyandottes and a blue marans
the marans is a girl, but can you tell the wyandotte?
I belive that thw white is a girl, a dark one without the stripe on the head is a boy, and hopefully the chick with the stripe is a girl... But Im not sure about that

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The only way we learn is by asking questions. You've definitely got one Wyandotte cockerel for sure "the one on the left". The one in the center I'd say is a pullet. The one on the right...need a closer picture....I'm on the fence on it.
The bird you are not sure about is in the first pic in this post,
If that is not enough, what part should I photograph?

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