Wyandotte temperments(sp?)

Yes. Chicks go through three stages:

1. chick down
2. juvenile feathers (what comes in after the chick fuzz)
3. adult feathers (at about 4 mos.)

The juvenile stage can take awhile. You may notice some chicks stay partially fuzzy with some feathers for awhile, eventually feathering out. They lose those feathers gradually starting around 4 months. This is when you can usually tell for sure who is male or female. Sometimes you won't get to see your birds' true colors, patterns, etc. until they're a year old. I've been told that if you're wanting to cull for breeding, to wait a year for their first molt, as by then you'll be able to ascertain what their final coloring will be. I know this has held true for my Jersey roos. Their feathering is much prettier and darker this year than it was last.
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I have three BLRWs and I LOVE them!!
Potpie is a funny girl. She will follow you around and allows you to pick her up and cuddle. She likes to sit on your lap, especially when you have a plate of food on the patio furniture! She also looks in the slider to see what we're doing in the house.
This is Potpie as a baby...

Nugget is a nice girl, also. I bought her as an egg from BlissChick. She doesn't like to be held but will follow you and run up to get a treat. She will let me pet her, but she has to be in the mood.
Hotwing is a sweet roo which is a good thing because he's (at last weigh in) 8lbs. He's slightly flighty but when you catch him, he sits still and will let you kiss and cuddle him.
I have BLRW eggs in the incubator right now.....they're shipped eggs so I'm not getting my hopes up too much. Hopefully I'll get at least a few to hatch. I think they're so pretty.
Part of them are from Anissa (cowgirl on eggbid) and the others are from Ray Valentine. The Valentine ones were lost in the mail and took a week to get here so their chances of hatching aren't as good.
Glad to see the babies are doing so well, Carrie! I got some chicks from another breeder about two months ago, so I'll have some new blood in the flock come spring. All my chicks from this spring have their adult feathers now and are gorgeous!

I need to remember to bring my camera home today and take some new photos...
Thanks! Speckled Hen is Hotwing's #1 fan.

Ooooo... Stacey.... I'd love to get more BLRWs.... I love them!
Can't wait to see the pictures! I'll have to post a picture of poor tail-less Nugget!

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