Wyandottes-lovers of this wonderfull breed come on

The first pic is my special buddy crossbeak. I thought it was a boy all along, but i am leaning toward girl now. The 2 BLRW's are going to be 4 months in a few days.




Love looking at all your Wyandottes. I only had 2 and lost both this summer. One in a storm ( I think she had a heart attack ) and the other while away on vacation and the help found her so I have no idea how she died. Though I can't get more, I can't wait to move and add them back into my flock when we have land. They were a bit skittish, but always good quiet birds that I could count on for good eggs. I hope next time to get BRLW. I had SLW.
Question about Wyandottes: Could some one tell me are the whites recessive or dominate?

Does anyone sell blacks?
Thanks for the information, Harry
I hope this is true......she has a deeper voice and acts like a boy.....she has always been a little bigger/more solid too. But i think she just had an earlier growth spurt to freak me out. I'm really happy that others are thinking girl too
That columbian is gorgeous. Something about that coloring that is just so "girly"...like they are all dressed up. Very pretty.

I have 6 white wyandottes - when I first got them (in McMurray's Rainbow Layers Mix) I was sort of bummed at "blah white chickens" but out of all my girls, these are my absolute favorites! They are so sweet and very inquisitive. They look absolutely beautiful when they are out pecking around in the green grass... maybe I"ll try to get some pictures. I am sold - wyandottes are my favorite!
Nice birds every one!

I like your page bliss chick.
And Keljonma I am going to name one of the Wyandottes I am geting Ida too.
Lurky I love the color on Your birds.
vicki2x2 what is the color of the birds in the back of the first pic?

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