Yard treatments


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 14, 2013
Almont, MI
I'm not sure if this is the best place to put this so tell me where to repost if necessary...but in October, there is going to be a wedding in my backyard. We were planning on fertilizing and planting grass seed to get the grass to look a little bit better and to get rid of weeds before the wedding. In the past, I have only used chemical treatments for fertilizing/weeds...clearly with a flock of meaties and a flock of layers, I want to avoid using chemicals as much as possible. Has anyone had luck with anything to help their yard grow better or to treat weeds that is chicken safe?
Corn gluten is used as a pre-emergent to prevent weeds from germinating but don't use when seeding. Ask your favorite nursery for specific product advice, and always read labels before buying. Just spreading lime one year greened up my fescue. Not so much the trashy Bermuda.
Simple soil test for ph and nitrogen.
Consider asking a good law care person, not from the chains but small local one owner company.
You will absolutely have to keep the birds off from point of spreading seed until it's well grown...first or second mowing. The neighbors guineas flew over years ago and ate a seed job for me. Seeds are also often treated with all sorts of chemicals.

Good luck!
I've never heard that about corn gluten. Interesting. Thanks for the info. I'm hoping we can find a company around us that will be able to help without poisoning our chickens.
If you lived around Atlanta I could recommend a few. No clue on where you live. Aren't you still shoveling snow? Best wishes!
Uh! We are still shoveling snow...its never ending up here. Snowing a bit today in fact. We found a place near us that might be able to help out with some animal friendly stuff....so if spring ever comes we may have them treat the yard.
Hi there, I just moved to ATL and have a handful of hens. We also have a couple of young kids so we've allocated a large run to the ladies and the rest has had grass laid. We are having a lot of ant, roach and mosquitos - especially in the non-hen area. So we want to spray the yard and house but want it to be safe for the hens and their resulting eggs. Any thoughts or recommendations? Additionally we'd like to keep the yard looking good with proper fertilizer...again any thoughts how to achieve that while still keeping them safe?

Chickens should be able to solve both problems for you, given enough time. There are some wonderful mobile fencing options, including electronetting, portable fence posts made of 2 x 4's that are pegged down to the ground and support 2 x 4" wire mesh, or a large chicken tractor. The chickens can move around your yard, and clean up your bug problems as they go. They'll turn all of that insect protein into egg protein.

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