Had 19 bobwhites & 2 buttons yesterday and TRYING to wait patiently for the rest of the buttons.... Better go give them another pep talk!! lol
To all you lucky duckies who have chicks out of the shell!!

I am jealous!! I will be checking the nest soon for recent developements, gotta get my 3 little boys to take a nap first!!

Please, keep those updates comeing, and add any pics you can!!!
I have 12 eggs in my bator: 8 duck, 4 chicken.

The ducks all pipped yesterday morining, this morning they all had double pips (the beginning of a zip).

I got home from work today and had two ducks!

By 6pm I had 7! I am waiting on the very last one to hatch. I also have three pipped chickens! My very first attempt at hatching!

Oooh, ooh, the last one is making the final push right now, gotta go...

Good luck everyone!
Why oh why does this take soooo long?

Pip news- went out and did a little check. So far only 1 is pipped, obviously the over-acheiver of the clutch! It has a good sized cracked section and a little hole in the membrane, very small, but I can see the baby moving around in there!!

I wonder what color it will be? It looks dark, but that could just be cuz the hole is small and it IS very dark in there!

And we got to hear it peeping from the inside! So freakin' cool
I had 4 hatch yesterday and 17 so far today. Another has pipped so heres hoping. I looking at an orpington that hatched it is black with a red casting to its feathers. I don't have nay red or buff birds. Can't figure out where she came from Her Daddy is our white orpington roo and she must be from our black orp hen There are also blue and a white hen in there. I keep my breeds separated so theres no way anothr roo got in there. It should be interesting to see how it grows.Also had a grey orp hatch not a splash its grey all over.
4 pipped, but they keep teasing me, they will make the pip a tiny bit bigger, or chirp, then nap for hours. I know they are waiting for me to go to bed, and I barely slept last night so that might be pretty soon.
Hurry up babies!!!!

We had our first chick hatch while we were at the movies, (Night at the museum part 2) and it is all yellow, but still wet, so we'll see what color it will be tomorow.

My daughter and I were jumping around screaming at each other in joy

I am sooooooo excited, it's like I did it myself or something!!

Now I understand how excited everyone else gets when they have a successful hatch, its thrilling AND I GET TO DO IT 6 MORE TIMES!!!!!

Will keep ya posted, keep me posted too guys!!!

Kelsy, what kind of chickens are you hatching from the blue egg? EE?

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