Year old turkeys not laying yet!?


6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
I have two bourbon reds (one Tom, one hen) they are a year old and I have still not gotten any eggs yet! I live in the south so it's been warm here and they are in a coop and pen so I would be able to find an egg if she laid one. I have even seen them start breeding every morning but still nothing, what's going on here???

There can be considerable variation in onset of lay between individual hens from the same hatch. They are breeding so, keep a watch out. Don't know how much bedding you have in the coop but our girls can mask their `nests in progress' with only wood chips and straw (fortunately for us, that leaves only the two corners in the back of the shed to check - can have ten eggs and no depression in the bedding at all - they just cover them up and pretend to be doing nothing at all).

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