yelling gander


10 Years
Feb 28, 2014
My gander is a house gander. He is usually very calm, but sometimes while he's just sitting he'll randomly start honking or doing alarm calls then stop. I'm not sure if he's doing it to get my attention? He'll also do it in the middle of night. Any suggestions to havr him not be so anxious? Thanks!
My pet goose does that, too. She's always done it. I'm not sure why, but it seems to be more frequent when she's bored. I interpret it as "nothing wrong with location, but could something please happen soon?".

As opposed to her "honkhonkhonkHONKhonkhonkhonkhonkHONKhonkhonk" combined with head shakes (oh, and let's not forget incessant pooping), which I've learned means "I'm increasingly displeased with this location, let's GO!".
Lol!!! Thats halarious! Ok, maybe I need to give him some more toys or something! Ya, it seems like he's bored! Haha thanks! Goose girl =)
My pet goose does that, too. She's always done it. I'm not sure why, but it seems to be more frequent when she's bored. I interpret it as "nothing wrong with location, but could something please happen soon?".

As opposed to her "honkhonkhonkHONKhonkhonkhonkhonkHONKhonkhonk" combined with head shakes (oh, and let's not forget incessant pooping), which I've learned means "I'm increasingly displeased with this location, let's GO!".
Agree...I think he wants.....OUTSIDE!!
Agree...I think he wants.....OUTSIDE!!
My goose spends almost all day outside (with me and/or her other caregiver), but that's not enough. She loves to go for walks and meet more people. Especially if these people are doing something interesting.

Last winter her favourite place was a nearby construction site. She'd climb dirt piles, meet the workers, watch the heavy machinery in action and investigate all the puddles. They finished building in June, so her "theme park" is now just a bunch of houses. No fun.


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