Yellow egg layers?


11 Years
May 12, 2008
Has anyone seen any yellow egg layers? I know that some EEs have been bred for this, I just can't find them. If you've got some, let me know!
?! If you find some let us know!
You can get very light-colored tan/yellow eggs from crosses between a white layer (Leghorn) and a brown layer (a red sex-link).

DISCLAIMER: That's from Internet chicken genetics experts, not me. I personally have no experience in this.
Hey, maybe I already made some in my experimental genetics chickies! Now for the 5 month wait to see what I done did. lol. I HAVE seen pics of some pretty darn yellow eggs from specific EEs, it's just been a while.
I do know that EE egg color will change from year to year. At first they are quite vibrant, then fade going into the second year. They moult, and the eggs become vibrant again. Repeat.

Maybe that is what you are experiencing? Are the hens older?
Nah, I don't have any EEs that are laying.

I haven't gotten any yellow eggs, I just have heard of them and seen pics and I want some! My experimental chickies have RIR moms and a white leghorn dad, so we'll see what they lay when they lay...assuming it doesn't turn out to be a flock of roos
if u look up privette hatcheries here in new mexico thier easter eggers throw a antique gold or yellow egg my buddy bought some from them las year and sure enough a few of them l;ay a yellow eggs just go to thier site and look at thier ameracaunas the pic has some eggs in the corner ull see a yellow one and its true i just bought some of them for our lil flock this uear hope i get a couple that layt the golden eggs hahaha:D
Do you or your buddy have pics of the yellow eggs?
I mean the picture from the Privitte can be miss leading.I mean they are calling them Ameraucanas when there just Mutts AKA Easter Eggers.
So yeah i would like to see people who have yellow eggs from thier chickens.
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yes im sorry i should have been more clear i was unsure weather u cared if they were true Ameraucanas or just easter eggers as i do not mine are in fact from privette hatcheries and are just the plain ol mutt type easter eggers i dont care if they are show standard i can keep them what they are as a breed from here on hahaha. but anyway mine are to young to lay at this point as i said im just hoping to get yellow eggs not sure if i will and my friend does in fact get yellows from his but he doesnt have a digi cam but maybe when i visit i can get some pics of his eggs althought they are not Ameraucanas but easter eggers once again im sorry i should have been more clear on thses facts. illl still see if i can get some pics thopugh no matter what they are they are still neat to look at hahaha

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