Yellow Jackets and Paper Wasps


Crossing the Road
14 Years
Sep 19, 2009
Holts Summit, Missouri
Over last week or so something has changed greatly with these two types of critters. The yellow jackets are hunting my yard heavily where grass is cut short early in morning. They appear to have wiped out all the smaller grasshoppers. They also harass hens on eggs and newly hatched chicks. I think they are interested in rotten egg smell. Yesterday I went about busting up clutches getting hit hard by the yellow jackets as they activities seemed to indicate accurately a high percentage of rotten eggs. This late in season my capacity to rear chicks is greatly reduced since forage base will collapse before chicks are harvestable. The yellow jackets seem hell bent on making the forage base collapse sooner. The paper wasps are doing something I have never seen before while in nest. Late yesterday I could see extreme activity on one of the nest under eave. Upon close inspection I could see they were removing their own pupae they were still white and eating them. That is like your your teenage kids eating your twelve your olds. Males have also emerged and they where doing a lot of the eating.
Do you call yellow jackets and ground bees the same thing? Are they the same? I found a nest earlier this year in the ground near the sidewalk. They were a little too aggressive where they were located so I dispatched the nest and sealed the entrance. I have noticed a ton of the yellow ones in the yard catching bugs lately but don't know where their nest is. The big black and white Bald Faced Hornets are fun to watch as they hunt other flying insects. They help keep the fly numbers down around the coop.
There are many species of yellow jacket and at least some of those are called ground bees. I suspect those seeing right now would be called ground bees because they are the small side for yellow jackets, The bigger kinds seem to be more in the woods. Owing to numbers I am seeing multiple nests are involved.

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