Yellow liquid while butchering Cornish Crosses


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 14, 2013
I butchered 2 Cornish Crosses yesterday. Both looked pretty healthy. When I cut off the gland on one of the Roo's Pope's nose, a yellow oily liquid spilled out.The reasonable side of me chalked it up to preen oil, but I want to make sure.

no liquid cutting into the cavity, all looked quite good. I did notice the carcass is quite red, but I'm not if that happened during the scalding stage.

If I had cut off the pope's nose in it's entirety I would have never seen the liquid.

Any thoughts appreciated.

I would guess that it is nothing more than preening oil. If you are indeed concerned, you might just cut off the 'Pope's nose'. Your phraseology made me smile with good memories - that was my mother's anatomical term.
I butchered a Cornish x today and when I cut into her abdomen a lot of clear yellow liquid came out. Is it safe to eat the bird? Everything else looked fine.
I butchered a Cornish x today and when I cut into her abdomen a lot of clear yellow liquid came out. Is it safe to eat the bird? Everything else looked fine.

The liquid means the chicken was suffering from organ failure. It is safe to eat as long as the internal organ look healthy.

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