Yellowing leaves on Pumpkins and Zuchini etc


Mar 28, 2020
So we had really high heat suddenly come in. And suddenly 2 plants have yellow leaves. 1 a pumpkin, and the other a zucchini. It looked like heat wilt. But they'd been getting enough water. They didn't have too much water. But its odd that the leaves wilted so much. It only happened when the temperatures got past 99 degrees F.

When this happens how often do you see heat wilt causing yellow leaves? And will like a bit of salt in the water or something help? I'm wondering how often yellowing of leaves is not too much water? If it had been too much water it would have happened when the temperatures were lower I think, as we had more water then. When its hot the water here just goes really fast and is gone. Or how often do you see heat stroke with yellow leaves? And is there a fix?


Also when you get yellow leaves, will the plants be able to heal that? Or will the leaves be forever damaged?
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