YET Another NEW auction and more new birds Pg2


11 Years
Feb 12, 2008
Agawam , Ma
i couldnt resist a few more pheasants
I got 2 baby red goldans

and i was told this guy a blue pheasant . Is it really ?
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It's a mutant ringneck of some variety, Melanistic maybe. What is the size of this pen? Not the best idea to house those wild species (the mandarin) with these others. I see a domestic duck, pigeons and other fowl that will present problems for them. Those pigeons are bigger than the mandarin and I have seen them cause issues with the timid wild ones. Be careful here, you've got recipe for trouble.

the pen is 10x12 not that big . The birds are all going to be moved out to their own pens and part of the barns . The mandarins ,wood ducks,ring teal and chiloe widgeons will all live in that pen that is attached to a good part of my barn . They spend most of thier time inside the barn .

the pidgeons,turkeys and pheasants will live in another half and be ale to get to the hay loft and free range and then the pheasants and quial will have thier own barn and pen

Nock on wood i havent had any problems . The birds all huddle up together at night and sleep together

i think i paid 26 for the pair (the hen is a normal ringneck ) is that a good price ?
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Cute birds

I always to the samething.. when i go to the market i always say to myself NO MORE ANIAMALS but i always leaves with some kinda animal i baught
That size is way too small for the amount of birds in that photo and the species you have mentioned. I'd be nervous and scared and wouldn't add any more birds until you have the room ready.

I'm not sure what a fair auction price is for Melanistics or Ringnecks, but pure Ringnecks are in the $100s from reputable keepers.

yeah it seemed ok when it was just the mandarins and wood ducks but then i got a little carried away with buying birds . I have another pen i could move some of the birds in and im selling most of the pigeons .

Why is it such a problem though for them to live together ? Will they fight or somthing . I have never seem them fight just sleep together

Thanks for the info
They can fight. I've seen a domestic pigeon scalp a Brown Eared-Pheasant when the pheasant got too close to their nest. There were 13 birds in the photo and I'm sure this is just a portion of the pen.

In addition to the fighting, with the amount of birds of a variety of species in a small area can lead to disease issues. The wild species are susceptible to certain diseases that domestic birds are resistant to. In a confined area with a large number of birds, they are particulary vulnerable.

Housing wild species with domestic fowl can be done, I've done it, but space & sanitation is important and shouldn't be done regularly. Winter holding for example. Getting more birds than we can handle is common problem with this hobby, but should be done carefully when working with wild species. You can probably house a ton of chickens or pigeons in a pen like that, but no more than 3 or 4 pheasants or ducks - and that even depends on the species.

Best of luck and I don't want to come off as a prick, just want what is best for the captive wild galliformes & anseriformes in your care!! We have to be careful with housing such species, harmful eyes are everywhere and there are groups that want to ban keeping these species. They are not domestic fowl and these groups key in on that fact. Good presentation and education will keep us in the hobby.

that pen is attached toa 10x20 barn/shed with a hay loft (thats where the pigeons usuallyare but i had thrown some corn down for the other birds and the pigeons came in .

Alot of the birds in the pic like the baby goose, chicks and chickens are all being moved out i kinda used it as a grow out pen before they are either moved to the chicken coop or allowed to free range .

You dont sound like a jerk at all you are just informing me on information i should have already known . I should of stopped buying birds but for my 18th birthday my mom gave me slot of money and alot of it when to buying birds lol when it should of whent to building more pens .

The new pen will be 20x20 with grass,shrubsand branches and have a 10x15 shed attached to that and that will be for the pheasants and quial
How many pheasants will be able to fit in this pen without having any problems
only one cock to a pen unless you put blinkers on them..they will fight during breeding could put 2-3 hens with one cock could run a pair of quail with them,please dont run your different types of pheasants together as they will cross breed,and it will only cause trouble later on when someone thinks they have a purebred and it has some funky looking chicks.
No not a blue ringneck, here is a pic of one of my blue ringneck cock birds. Also with ringnecks one cock bird to 8 to 10 hens. Pipper for all cock birds. Bits for all hens.

Also a hen can be fertile from a male she mated with a month before.So be sure to seperate them long before breeding season.


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