Yet another panting duckling question.

Mar 26, 2020
Southern Vermont
I’ve read several threads about panting ducklings ours have been here 2.5 weeks, so they may be pushing 3weeks old I’m guessing? One in particular but sometimes several of the 5 will be panting, some occasionally sneeze. They have plenty of water deep enough to clean their nostrils, the brooder is at 70 degrees at this point with the light not even on as they don’t seem to want it. They rarely sleep all bunched up anymore. The brooder is 4x6, plenty big I would say, we use pine shavings , they get cleaned regularly, several times daily, we also let them swim in a kiddie pool every night, for 15 or 20 mins, then dry them off, and put them back in the cleaned brooder, still one of them routinel lays there and pants, I’ve looked up his nose as best I can to check for gunk, don’t see any. They have grown like they came straight from Chernobyl, I swear by the minute they get visibly larger, is he just too fat and thus hot at room temp? What can I do to keep him comfortable? All the other threads don’t seem to fit our issue. Is it the pine shavings? At the current time other stuff is hard to come by, cedar isn’t really an option for ducks is it?they way these guys poop I can’t imagine shelf liner. Also they are on an increased dosage of B complex and nutritional yeast in their food.
One of mine would get that way. And I think sometimes he just wasnt drinking enough. I would rip up tiny bits of lettuce, if they are little ducklings then make sure it’s very tiny shreds, and put it in the water dish and they would go nuts and drink as they ate the lettuce. Helped him a lot and his panting subsided as he was drinking more. Sometimes hey get gunk up their nostrils that’s hard to see and the extra water helps dislodge it I have found
My wife is convinced we are going to come down to find a dead duck one morning, water intake doesn't seem to be a big problem for them. If they aren’t I dunno what else to do, we put food in their pool water and they motor around with their heads on the bottom scooping it up, if I could train them not to poop everywhere I could hire them put for pool cleanings. One of the Rouen dunks his head over and over and over, ifs pretty funny, my favorite Pekin literally only comes up for air out of necessity, otherwise the head is under in full grazing mode, tail in the air and it wiggles with the bill like they are attached.
My wife is convinced we are going to come down to find a dead duck one morning, water intake doesn't seem to be a big problem for them. If they aren’t I dunno what else to do, we put food in their pool water and they motor around with their heads on the bottom scooping it up, if I could train them not to poop everywhere I could hire them put for pool cleanings. One of the Rouen dunks his head over and over and over, ifs pretty funny, my favorite Pekin literally only comes up for air out of necessity, otherwise the head is under in full grazing mode, tail in the air and it wiggles with the bill like they are attached.
Heh I wish my ducks liked water like that. We bought a house with a pond specifically thinking it would be great for ducks. And ours hate water. Won’t even go near it. If we try to put them in the pond they run right out. They’ve hated water all along and hated being in their pool I had for them to learn to swim in. They like being on land and eating grass and worms they find

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