Yikes! Advice needed


Dense Egg Goo
9 Years
Mar 22, 2010
Sacramento CA
We are having a HUGE tree cut down in front of our house, as I type. My poor girls! They are running around their pen, unable to decide whether to go in the coop of not, trying to get away from the scary chainsaw noise! I feel so bad..
They are NOT happy at the moment. Should I lock them in the coop? Or let them continue running in and out?
No the tree is in the front yard and their coop/run is in the very back of the backyard. They can't see anything, but the noise is SHATTERING lol. They just can't decide what to do, in out in out in out. I think I will put them in and listen for any uncomfortable sqwacks. Thanks for responding
I am fairly new at this lol, and don't want to overstress my girls. They are 10 weeks old. Hopefully these tree guys will be done soon.

I have the phone ready just in case on an ER. The idiot tree guys came here REAKING of marijuana,
so I just know they are cutting while 'high'. It's a little concerning, but as long as they don't drop any piece on my house I am good. I keep waiting for one of them to accidentally misuse the chainsaw..
Want to know what I would do if somebody showed up to my home to perform contractual work in that condition? Yup! You guessed it! Turn them in to their employer and then the cops!
Of all the asinine things to do! What a bunch of bozos!

How did you girls do once they finished up and left? Is everyone OK? Hope they settled down once you closed them up for the duration.
I just kept waiting for a severed limb (human) to fall down... LOL!

They got the tree down fine, although my entire back yard is now sawdust and so is my neighbors front yard. (Pine, but I am glad I have a tarp cover over the girl's run. I hate to breath that crud.)

The girls stayed in their coop, SILENT. Just waiting for the noise to be over. A few times the tree guys stopped and the girls came out, but as soon as the chainsaw started Munk and Joon went RIGHT back inside.

They weren't panting, I kept watch to make sure the stress didn't cross a line. After the guys left I let Munk and Joon out loose in the yard, and they got their 'wiggles' out from being cooped up by racing around the yard. Everything ended well, the tree is all cut (to help with drainage) and there were NO mistakes. Although they did maul my mom's newly planted flowers by dropping tree pieces on them...

All is calm here now though, tomorrow the girls will be outside most of the day so I am sure they will enjoy that!

Edited To Add: Oh and I forgot to add that the tree guys decided to come into my backyard, without telling me, so of course my dog was outside and charged after the 'scary guy with chainsaw'! I went out and got pretty irritated with the 'boss' telling him that I have a beware of dog sign and if that idiot had been bit I would not be charged with a da** thing. No matter the breed of my dog. If that idiot didn't have the sense to TELL me he needed to go in the backyard then he deserves to get bit. Of course my dog DIDN"T bite him (my dog is a bunch of talk, not much action lol) but I am sure the sight of a big old pitty charging him sent him home with some "hmmmm, what could I have done differently?" thoughts
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this whole post is funny. chickens running in and out, high construction workers, an idiot going into your back yard. you should have videotaped everything, it would have been funny to watch! lol
Well I'll be. Now I know where my ex-husband the tree surgeon is!
Oh wait - these guys actually were working? Can't be him then......

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