Ugh! Hate that you have to deal with that!
Glad my driveway is half a mile long, only a couple houses back here and we all have chickens.

Got my turkey roasted, sides going in now.
Funnest part is, my youngest (21 yrs old) has decided to eat Vegan. I told her to bring something she can eat.
She is making Vegan mac and cheese. Something about cheese made from cashews?
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Candled my BR eggs yesterday morning and forgot to tell y'all.. MUCH better luck. Looks like 15/18 are developing (and actually 16 bc one was a blood ring)! Hopefully I'll end up with maybe 10-12 babies?
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Let's see if this works.. My son loves this

Okay, another newbie question. My granddad was checking on our chickens while we visited my in-laws for a few days around Thanksgiving. When checking for eggs, he said he saw a small bug crawling on the egg. He said after that he noticed the girls "scratching" around their heads. Does this sound like mites? What are other signs I can look for? If so what's the suggestion on easiest treatment?
You can pick them up and look for yourself :) Look closely around the vent-that's usually where they like to hang out. If you see what looks like clumps of dust at the base of the feathers, that's lice (eat dead skin cells).. Lice are generally pale in color. If you see tiny little red bugs those are mites (feed on blood)..

I have never had mites that I know of but lice, yes. I use "Garden and Poultry Dust" that you can find in the chicken section at TSC and dust the vents thoroughly. You can repeat monthly.

If you have mites, they are a little more difficult because they don't live just on the bird- you have to treat all cracks/crevices/bedding as well. There is a good article somewhere, I'll try to find you one.

That being said, just seeing an incidental bug on an egg and seeing a bird scratch doesn't necessarily mean you have anything. No more than your own head itching means you have lice. :)
Oh and I believe after you use the Permethrin (the dust I told you about), you should throw your eggs out for a certain amount of time. But I don't remember what that time is, and I honestly just thought about the fact that I forgot to do so when I dusted my birds this month. AND we used those eggs for Thanksgiving I feel sure. Not dead yet so that's a good sign!
You can pick them up and look for yourself :) Look closely around the vent-that's usually where they like to hang out. If you see what looks like clumps of dust at the base of the feathers, that's lice (eat dead skin cells).. Lice are generally pale in color. If you see tiny little red bugs those are mites (feed on blood)..

I have never had mites that I know of but lice, yes. I use "Garden and Poultry Dust" that you can find in the chicken section at TSC and dust the vents thoroughly. You can repeat monthly.

If you have mites, they are a little more difficult because they don't live just on the bird- you have to treat all cracks/crevices/bedding as well. There is a good article somewhere, I'll try to find you one.

That being said, just seeing an incidental bug on an egg and seeing a bird scratch doesn't necessarily mean you have anything. No more than your own head itching means you have lice. :)

Understand and agree. I will have to check them tonight, they still aren't too keen on being held. I have not noticed anything weird about them. I will keep an eye on them though.
I know there is mixed reviews, from what I have read, but do any of you use like DE or any kind of dust bath for them to have around? Or is that the same thing you are saying dust them with?

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