That's what I thought
Because I can't sleep; I am going through today's photos:

Somebunny's trying to blend in:

Size comparison with a ten-day-old chick:

Purse-bunny stealth mode at Zaxby's:

Houston, the turkey is laying:

See that black shadow next to the waterer on top of the rabbits? That's "Shadow Ninja" of the Kitty Committee. He appeared silently out of nowhere, and disappeared the same way moments later. This is the first good sighting of him since they were released from their holding pen. We usually just see tracks, and I don't think he hangs out with the other two. He's a secretive little ninja.
So little goose baby popped out of his shell!!!
I promptly put him back in because he hasn't absorbed everything. Hopefully in the morning he'll be good to go! And at least 1 more has internally pipped!
I'm going to bed so I don't just sit and stare at the eggs. Night peeps!
So little goose baby popped out of his shell!!!
I promptly put him back in because he hasn't absorbed everything. Hopefully in the morning he'll be good to go! And at least 1 more has internally pipped!
I'm going to bed so I don't just sit and stare at the eggs. Night peeps!

Yay for baby goose #1! Goodnight :)

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