I also get some wet areas in my coop/run area.  It is really not a good thing.  One of the most often comments I read about in chicken health books is to not let them have to stand in water/wet areas.  It can contribute to lots of foot problems and also to chicken croup, coughs, colds, etc.  On cold days, it can cause frost bite and loss of toes, etc.  I think most people here are talking about inches in the coop, but any wet feet can be bad.  Just watch them.  I don't worm either.  I do, however, add lots of DE to their feed for a weeks to help with any parasites/worms.  I do this about every three months. 
Thanks! Meh, I definitely don't think I have standing water.. Just damp ground. And good idea on the DE. Maybe I'll start doing that.
Okay I took a close look at my coops. They are definitely more dry than wet. In fact, in one coop the girls had gotten up under the damp upper layer to dry underneath to take a nice dust bath. So i think I'll continue to not worry about that. Off to find something else to stress over.. As my hubby would say about me..
Weather like this makes me hate having silkies, showgirls, brahmas, and d'uccles. All of them have damp nasty feet feathers. Only the turken are neat and clean looking.
CarCar, I really need you to give me your new blue egg layers! I have one lady who wants 10 1/2 dozen carton eggs (I sell a cute 6 pack of colored eggs). I only have 2 blue egg layers, t
oo many brown egg layers, and only 1 white egg layer. My dark dark brown eggs are pullet eggs and are really small. I guess this summer, I really need to focus on getting more blue and olive egg layers and maybe another Welsummer for their fun colored eggs! (My Welsummer hasn't started laying yet) Anyway, I sure hope I get another two dozen eggs by Wednesday PM! Then, I have a 12 dozen egg order to fill!

These are from earlier this summer. I now have some more intense colors, like olive and dark brown, but need more!

Oh my goodness where can I get egg cartons like that! So cute! Sounds like you also need to get a few leghorns for large white eggs and a few black copper marans!
Spent about 3 to 4 hours outside just trying to get the water out of two of the runs and fixing the tarps covering the free ranger's area. Who ever said having chickens was easy needs their head examined. Now to wait for the next mess of rain to pour through and then I will have to go back and clean it up all over again. UGH! We have got to come up with a better area for the Free Rangers and a way to keep all the water out.
Oh my goodness where can I get egg cartons like that! So cute! Sounds like you also need to get a few leghorns for large white eggs and a few black copper marans!

There are several places that offer these cartons. Google clear plastic round egg cartons. One place is Randal Burkley and another is egg cartons online.com. I bought mine a while back and I see that they are now about $60 for 100 or 200 for $91. I have designed a cute round sticker for the top of mine with our Bear Ridge Logo and my name, address, phone and license # on them.
There are several places that offer these cartons. Google clear plastic round egg cartons. One place is Randal Burkley and another is egg cartons online.com. I bought mine a while back and I see that they are now about $60 for 100 or 200 for $91. I have designed a cute round sticker for the top of mine with our Bear Ridge Logo and my name, address, phone and license # on them.

I don't think I want to sell them beyond the few chicken swaps we go to I try to bring hatching eggs. But we gift neighbors eggs and I would like Hubby to bring some to work to gift as well. I have my candling license but that was just for fun and if we move some place in the future and feel we can do that. Your set up is perfect! I so want to visit your lodge!

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