Had a talk with the girls today and they told me the reason no one else is laying eggs is because they are not satisfied with the accommodations. So with scrap wood in the garage and scrap wood from another source i built this for the low low price of free. Maybe they will like this more.

Cliff, it turned out wonderful! You could make a bunch and sell them at the swap!
Thanks. I wish i had the free time any more to do little projects like that. I didn't realize how much of a difference 40 hours to 48 hours made when i changed jobs.
Mine love fabric over theirs. I think they like the privacy. Did you put fake eggs in the nests or real eggs?
I stopped using my ceramic eggs when the girls started laying but i put them back in today after i made all the changes in case there was any confusion. I think i've got a few yards of purple and white chevron left over from the glider in the nursery. Maybe i can get the wife to rig me up some curtains.
Anyone with experience with the herniated navel.. These two chicks I have are doing great. The herniation is totally dry on both- just like a human baby- but is it safe to put them back with the other chick yet? It's definitely not tender skin exposed but they look like big black booger butts.. Anyone know if this would withstand curious pecks or should I keep them separate until they fall off? My guy says yes but I'm hoping I'm wrong lol.

The lady who is getting them wants to come tomorrow. I certainly won't send them until they're ready, though. She's been very understanding. They're just doing so great otherwise, I'm eager to see them get to be normal chicks too!
In case anyone cares i found out that these two chicks are red cochins and since they are the same age i am able to look at them and notice some slight differences. One is a red frizzle cochin and the other is a red smooth cochin. This should be fun watching them grow up.

Anyone with experience with the herniated navel.. These two chicks I have are doing great. The herniation is totally dry on both- just like a human baby- but is it safe to put them back with the other chick yet? It's definitely not tender skin exposed but they look like big black booger butts.. Anyone know if this would withstand curious pecks or should I keep them separate until they fall off? My guy says yes but I'm hoping I'm wrong lol.

The lady who is getting them wants to come tomorrow. I certainly won't send them until they're ready, though. She's been very understanding. They're just doing so great otherwise, I'm eager to see them get to be normal chicks too!
I'd say yes as long as it's not red to attract attention, put them in and watch them for a few mins.
Thanks. I wish i had the free time any more to do little projects like that. I didn't realize how much of a difference 40 hours to 48 hours made when i changed jobs.
Cliff can you put up the measurements I'd like to make some since I can't buy them but if you do decide to make some I'd like to pre-order one please and I can pick it up at the swap

your chicks are so cute

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