Having a difficult time getting the humidity up in the new bator. It doesn't help that I have 3 gauges in there and none of them are the same. I've just added more water to it I'm going to see if the two closest gauges will even up some
Which ones are generally your best layers. My niece has told me her amraucana is one of her best layers
my best layers are by far my leghorns! second would be my australorps.

As robo said, when you quote someone, you can type in that same text box (just like I did you here). when you quote someone, it's in the grayed out box and you can type in the white box right under it. that way you're not pushing all the posts off the page by quoting and then responding in separate boxes. Plus if someone is typing and hits submit on theirs in between yours, it makes it hard to keep up with what's being said.

of course there are some people who can't keep up anyway, no names mentioned (GAM **cough cough**)
Having a difficult time getting the humidity up in the new bator. It doesn't help that I have 3 gauges in there and none of them are the same. I've just added more water to it I'm going to see if the two closest gauges will even up some
That was a huge issue with my styros. I had zero idea what to trust!! And the readings were SO far off, even between multiple meters I had calibrated.

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