I have a question for those who have bantams and large breeds. I have had a lady ask me about building her a coop, so a couple of questions. she wants to run them all together, 10 bantams (no idea what breed as they haven't gotten them yet) and five large breed, she doesn't know what breed they are, but I know to pretty much figure 4 sq ft inside and 10 sq ft outside for them.

I know the bantams won't require as much room, but is it a good idea to run them all together? and how much space would we want for the coop and for the run?
I have a question for those who have bantams and large breeds. I have had a lady ask me about building her a coop, so a couple of questions. she wants to run them all together, 10 bantams (no idea what breed as they haven't gotten them yet) and five large breed, she doesn't know what breed they are, but I know to pretty much figure 4 sq ft inside and 10 sq ft outside for them. 

I know the bantams won't require as much room, but is it a good idea to run them all together? and how much space would we want for the coop and for the run?
I know lots of people do. I don't but that's due to breeding. Depends on the temperament of the LF though. Not sure on space.
ok guys, I have found myself in a predicament and I need some help from those with experience. I'm fixing to get a new incubator and its between a Brinsea mini advance or the octagon eco 20. I'm leaning towards the mini as it has the turner and is small in size. Most of my hatches would fit in the mini but its hard to pay that much when for only $5 more, I can get the octagon. Do any of you have any experience with these  to help me figure out which to get? 

I have the Brinsea Mini and two genesis 1588. The mini is really small. Chicks can't really stand up in it after they hatch, and I've lost two chicks when they got their heads caught in the small space between the water well and the 'roof' of the bator. That being said, I love it for emergencies! It has saved many a chick! Like having a broody mom leave unhitched eggs at the last minute, or having a weak chick hatch that needed rest without others stepping all over it. I like it for those reasons, but it's just not big enough for hatching on a regular basis. I think the diameter of the base is only like 9" or something like that.
I have a question for those who have bantams and large breeds. I have had a lady ask me about building her a coop, so a couple of questions. she wants to run them all together, 10 bantams (no idea what breed as they haven't gotten them yet) and five large breed, she doesn't know what breed they are, but I know to pretty much figure 4 sq ft inside and 10 sq ft outside for them.

I know the bantams won't require as much room, but is it a good idea to run them all together? and how much space would we want for the coop and for the run?

If they don't care about breeding I guess they should have no issues. I know I will not do it again unless its a group I don't mind breeding with each other or that I never plan to breed. If I had ever thought there were even a chance my huge SS rooster could breed my tiny little frizzle Cochin hen, I wouldn't have done it for sure. Now I have a frizzle SS. HA! See the chick against the wall?

I have a question for those who have bantams and large breeds. I have had a lady ask me about building her a coop, so a couple of questions. she wants to run them all together, 10 bantams (no idea what breed as they haven't gotten them yet) and five large breed, she doesn't know what breed they are, but I know to pretty much figure 4 sq ft inside and 10 sq ft outside for them.

I know the bantams won't require as much room, but is it a good idea to run them all together? and how much space would we want for the coop and for the run?
Are they anticipating having a rooster large or bantam or both ? Personally I keep mine separated, with hardware cloth separation and separate coops. With all hens it may work, but again I have not tried putting them together. Have three nankins, two of which are hens, have a hen Serena and one other bantam, and then 9 large breeds.
Are they anticipating having a rooster large or bantam or both ? Personally I keep mine separated, with hardware cloth separation and separate coops. With all hens it may work, but again I have not tried putting them together. Have three nankins, two of which are hens, have a hen Serena and one other bantam, and then 9 large breeds.
good question, she didn't mention roosters, and I need to get with her on if they're going to have one and does she really want a large breed rooster breeding her bantams. Thanks for the tips y'all!

on another note, I have eggs that are rockin! noticed one before we went to church this evening was moving a good bit, and since we've been home, another one has started to rock around some. but that first one was first rocking at 4pm, here it is after 11 pm and no pips yet. I think I may too impatient for this incubating stuff.....LOL
Thank You for the reply. I have a Genesis 1588 for bigger hatches so I'll still have a bigger incubator. I have read where people complain bout the octagon not having much headroom in them for hatching but you seem to think its plenty of space. The single biggest thing about the mini to me is just the size, I like how small it is. however, like you say, for not much more money I can have a lot more room. I don't mind turning by hand but not having to worry about forgetting to turn does offer a slight ease of mind. I'm probably way over thinking this but I won a gift certificate and want to prevent making a poor decision.
Congrats on your GC. you will be worried about the eggs that forgetting to turn I don't think is a problem, I have mine on my kitchen table, so I see it every time I pass it. but then your always going to check temp and humidity, but get the turner you can always choose to use or not to use, but I find that the chicks have room and they are not very stable when they first come out and they still sleep, when they are dry and active I take them out and put them in my brooder box.
I've got an interesting looking rooster that I wanted to see if anyone here would be interested in before I make dumplings out of him.
He's about 6 months old. His father was a silver laced wyandotte. His mother was a combo - the offspring of a black cochin roo over a EE hen. This fine looking specimen of rooster-hood was hatched from a blue egg.
The photo doesn't show it well but there is a tinge of green in some of those black feathers.

I offered him for sale on a facebook group but no takers.

He looks good, he's doing the rooster thang, but he doesn't fit in with my plans. I'm trying to get away from mutts and stick with straight breeds. But, having said that, what do you think the offspring would look like from him and a production red?
ok guys, I have found myself in a predicament and I need some help from those with experience. I'm fixing to get a new incubator and its between a Brinsea mini advance or the octagon eco 20. I'm leaning towards the mini as it has the turner and is small in size. Most of my hatches would fit in the mini but its hard to pay that much when for only $5 more, I can get the octagon. Do any of you have any experience with these  to help me figure out which to get? 

I have read and been told by others who have the OCT 20 that you want the advanced. Don't do the mini or go to the 40. The 20 performs the best out of the 3.

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