The only birds that come in our yard are crows, looking for scraps we sometimes give the chickens because they aren't really interested in chicken food and songbirds. I haven't even seen geese fly over the house. The cowbirds fly over every day, we see buzzards and some birds of prey. The creek near us houses families of barred owls because we can hear them, they go nuts around their breeding season and they are loud. Maybe they keep the wild water birds away from this area. It seems like we would be prime real estate to wild ducks with the river being close and the creek that goes into the river even closer. But we never see any. I don't know a lot about wild ducks and geese, maybe they prefer ponds? All I know is I have one chicken that is outsmarting me. She's a game/ee mix, she's broody... somewhere not in the fenced in backyard. I've looked everywhere so she is out in one of the overgrown lots next to us. I've only seen her twice in the past week. She leaves her big poops on the driveway. I saw her today, tried to watch her to find out where she is nesting. Turn my head for a minute and poof, she's gone.
Your cochin hens I might be interested I already have a bantam Roo just no hens and he has a heck of a time with my large hens and my large Roos
The renters just left! Look at all this laundry!

And this is just for the downstairs washers!

The towels are already done!

There is more laundry upstairs! Ugh! Anyone want to come help? I'll give you a chick or two! LOL!
I let the babies outside today for a few hours. They seemed to really enjoy it. I have 26 babies left! Shooo, don't tell.....I picked up a few at TS this week. Well, I didn't really have a good white egg layer, so I got a few leghorns! And, I didn't have a Barred Rock....so I got 2. And, since you have to buy at least 6 chicks, I got an Amberlink and a sex link and ummm, I heard Golden Comets were so great, I had to get 2 of those! Umm, that's 8! Anyway, it's always good to have 'new' blood, right?! And, I had sold most of my own babies. I still have the 6 Marans. Waiting to figure out which ones are boys/girls. Still have two Choc Orp, one Swedish Flower, and the little Cochin bantam I'm saving for Lady Who, and a BO from Lady Who's eggs, and 3 frizzles I'm saving for a lady, Umm, what are the other 4???? Will have to see why I saved those. LOL Chicken Math!

Just listening to y'unz. I appreciate all your opinions about the state's care and concern for backyard f:plocks.

I am new to all this, so my appreciation is sincere. I have yet to have a single bird. All the upset is making me glad that we've chosen to go the way of hatching eggs, even if we are just starting out.

Welcome to BYC! Don't let all this stuff scare you. The bird flu stuff will be gone with the wind soon enough, but no matter what happens, everyone should always practice good biosecurity and management habits. You'll have a ton of fun and be hooked in no time.
Question: About the AI. Aren't all the migratory birds heading North right now? Isn't that where all the problems are.....in the north. Maybe, we won't get anything this year because the birds from the south heading north are not sick. Any thoughts on this?
We are going to play musical chickens tonight to put my Capt Hook back in with my black and grey silkie hens. Then move my two month old chicks in with Chicken Jo who is in mommie mode with her 1 week old babies.
She should be ok with them right?
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what's half way? I am in brunswick and if that works would be happy to put the kettle on.

I am in Cedartown, heading to Franklin, an hour or so away, won't be anywhere near Brunswick, but if I ever head that way, I'm going to hit you up for that!
I think I need an idiots guide to breaking broodie.
no roo in pen, dahlila is trying to brood. I pick her up, give her cuddles and pop in on the far side of the pen. Rinse repeat
here's what's been effective for me for breaking broodies. I just separate them. The separation anxiety always seems to kill the desire to sit on any eggs. Now if I give them eggs, they'll sit on them, at least that's been the case for me. They get a little bent out of shape about being taken away from the rest of them, but a few hours and they realize there's eggs, they'll usually sit on them. I've read you have to put them in a cage, wire bottom, off the ground, to cool them down temperature wise, but I've not done that at all and about 3 days away from everyone else, they're so over wanting to sit on eggs they don't even think about.

I started separating my broodie WITH eggs so I didn't have to worry about going out every day and checking to make sure the others hadn't given her a few more.....
There is more laundry upstairs!  Ugh!  Anyone want to come help?  I'll give you a chick or two!  LOL!

I let the babies outside today for a few hours.  They seemed to really enjoy it.  I have 26 babies left!  Shooo, don't tell.....I picked up a few at TS  this week.  Well, I didn't really have a good white egg layer, so I got a few leghorns!  And, I didn't have a Barred Rock....so I got 2.  And, since you have to buy at least 6 chicks, I got an Amberlink and a sex link and ummm, I heard Golden Comets were so great, I had to get 2 of those!  Umm, that's 8!   Anyway, it's always good to have 'new' blood, right?!  And, I had sold most of my own babies.  I still have the 6 Marans.  Waiting to figure out which ones are boys/girls.  Still have two Choc Orp, one Swedish Flower, and the little Cochin bantam I'm saving for Lady Who, and a BO from Lady Who's eggs, and 3 frizzles I'm saving for a lady,  Umm, what are the other 4????  Will have to see why I saved those.  LOL  Chicken Math!

If I was closer I'd come help. I'm really interested in the chocolate babies, but would have to wait til April to get up there.
Work & Dani stuff...
But first week of April is Spring Break.
well my house isn't halfway for her, or I'd volunteer to let y'all meet here   ;) If I hadn't just lost some of mine, I'd give her one of mine....let's see, we're going to Franklin to the Heard County Arena, friday evening the 31st with the camper and the grand daughter who will be riding JR Rodeo on saturday, so if Missy doesn't find something, and y'all get together, I can work it out to get one from you and she can come to Franklin to get one????

what's half way? I am in brunswick and if that works would be happy to put the kettle on.

Me and papa got it worked out. We are meeting at the rodeo on Friday! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for volunteering to help...yall are the best!

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