went down to the coop this afternoon to gather my eggs and check the chicks, I have four, well had four, welsummer/ameraucana cross chicks that a broody hatched last month. one of them was no where to be found from the inside, so I went to the side and opened the door. Big black rat snake laying there with a swollen belly, and me only counting three chicks where there should have been four......
these were the ones I let the broody hatch to replace the ones the dogs killed back in march

so I re-located the snake to a place she'll never eat chicks or eggs again, cause once they find a restaurant that's cheap and easy, they'll hang around until the supplies are gone
went down to the coop this afternoon to gather my eggs and check the chicks, I have four, well had four, welsummer/ameraucana cross chicks that a broody hatched last month. one of them was no where to be found from the inside, so I went to the side and opened the door. Big black rat snake laying there with a swollen belly, and me only counting three chicks where there should have been four......
these were the ones I let the broody hatch to replace the ones the dogs killed back in march

so I re-located the snake to a place she'll never eat chicks or eggs again, cause once they find a restaurant that's cheap and easy, they'll hang around until the supplies are gone

So sad about that! Last week we had a black snake get in where the broodies and baby ducks were, but luckily the snake just tried to eat a duck egg! When I picked the snake up, it dropped the egg out of it's mouth. I was so relieved that it didn't bother the baby ducks!

On another note, my friend who is fairly new to chickens just posted that her sweet dog devastated her juvenile flock! She had 4 confirmed deaths and the others are missing. So sad for her! She, like all of us, babied her chicks!
So...since I just got a pretty sarcastic/flippant response from someone on the alleged helpful hatching/incubating thread, I thought I'd put the question to my GA peeps:

I'm on day 18 here and have a quick question that is melting my brain. I'm using a Brinsea Maxi II and the paperwork it comes with says that the default settings for chicken eggs have it stopping turning 2 days before hatch. To me, that seems like a lockdown at day 19. We had a power failure last hatch and the settings had gotten messed up, so I ended up manually configuring it for the hatch.

In y'all's opinion, should I stop the turn since it's legitimately day 18 here as of one hour ago, or let the Brinsea settings ride?

To me, it's a situation where the more I study the calendar and count the hours, the more confused I get. It was the beginning of Day 18 (like, hour 1) at about 9 am here. Would y'all stop turning as of this moment or what? I've emailed Brinsea because the machine is still saying there are 5 days left when it's Day 18. I feel like I'm at a drop back and punt moment!
So...since I just got a pretty sarcastic/flippant response from someone on the alleged helpful hatching/incubating thread, I thought I'd put the question to my GA peeps:

[COLOR=333333]I'm on day 18 here and have a quick question that is melting my brain. I'm using a Brinsea Maxi II and the paperwork it comes with says that the default settings for chicken eggs have it stopping turning 2 days before hatch. To me, that seems like a lockdown at day 19. We had a power failure last hatch and the settings had gotten messed up, so I ended up manually configuring it for the hatch. [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]In y'all's opinion, should I stop the turn since it's legitimately day 18 here as of one hour ago, or let the Brinsea settings ride? [/COLOR]

To me, it's a situation where the more I study the calendar and count the hours, the more confused I get. It was the beginning of Day 18 (like, hour 1) at about 9 am here. Would y'all stop turning as of this moment or what? I've emailed Brinsea because the machine is still saying there are 5 days left when it's Day 18. I feel like I'm at a drop back and punt moment!

Honestly, I don't think it'll make a difference one way or the other. The days are counted at 1 day after 24 hours from what I understand. But if you stop turning at day 18 or 19, well they should still be able to get in position.
So...since I just got a pretty sarcastic/flippant response from someone on the alleged helpful hatching/incubating thread, I thought I'd put the question to my GA peeps:

I'm on day 18 here and have a quick question that is melting my brain. I'm using a Brinsea Maxi II and the paperwork it comes with says that the default settings for chicken eggs have it stopping turning 2 days before hatch. To me, that seems like a lockdown at day 19. We had a power failure last hatch and the settings had gotten messed up, so I ended up manually configuring it for the hatch.

In y'all's opinion, should I stop the turn since it's legitimately day 18 here as of one hour ago, or let the Brinsea settings ride?

To me, it's a situation where the more I study the calendar and count the hours, the more confused I get. It was the beginning of Day 18 (like, hour 1) at about 9 am here. Would y'all stop turning as of this moment or what? I've emailed Brinsea because the machine is still saying there are 5 days left when it's Day 18. I feel like I'm at a drop back and punt moment!
Liv, I think a lot of people needlessly obsess over the lockdown point. Regardless of whether or not you strictly observe the lockdown point for chicken hatching eggs, which is day 18, some chicks will hatch early, and some will hatch late. Don't get me wrong; lockdown is important, but it's more of a fuzzy time frame than a super-strict point in time. If it were me, I would stick with the Brinsea defaults. Then again, someone with a Brinsea Maxi II may know something I don't know about the unit.

Sorry you had a twit encounter at BYC. It seems that every online community has several of those.

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